WhatHostingShould.BE - Review, insight, etc?


New member
Before I go ANY further... Would someone take a look at the template that I made? The rest of the site will look the same but have functionality so, obviously, at this point it's but one wee page. It's been a long time in the making but it's getting there. (As a hosting reseller I figured it would be prudent to make sure that the site validated and other than some recommendations I don't particularly care for even the <style> validates. (I couldn't get the same results with CSS later on in the site with the billing scripts etc so that's why it's embedded style in case anyone's wondering.)


I was aiming for this:


(no, no index1 as it was live in the site's main directory at one point)

But index2.html didn't render properly in Opera or in Firefox. One menu was up, the other was down, I said bugger it, and thus we have index3... (Sorry for the code but notepad's the way to go in my opinion... I have Dreamweaver and a bunch of other apps but, well, they're just bloated and it's easier for me to CTRL + S to save and then ALT + TAB to the page and F5 for refresh.)

So, before I go any further on this could someone give me some insight as to their opinions?

So far - the stripped images... They were PNG format and were up around 145 kb in size. I've trimmed them as much as I could and converted them to JPG and got them smaller.

The text area on some pages might want to go under the menu (some it will not) and so this was born: http://test.whathostingshould.be/index_float.html That's not optimized at this point so you can probably still read the source.

And it validates as HTML and CSS.

Other than that I'm not seeing anything?

Ideas? (Note that the goal is not to make bloat, not to have the pretty pictures of servers that I don't actually own but rather lease, to be honest and up-front, etc...)

Thank you though. It's down and the reviews, etc from other sites and people resulted in this:


It's due to be updated (already) with some changes but the basic layout is going to remain pretty much the same. I'm due to do some serious edits of the navigation and the index.html starting tomorrow morning based on the reviews that I got from there.

One of the things that I think I'll aim for is to optimize and target specifically e-commerce hosting though with the server the way it is I'm thinking of adding in a special section for gamers as it seems to be tougher than I thought it would be. So far the server has been pretty rock solid so there are a few more changes as well as some specific content changes but mostly it should *for the most part* continue to look that way except I'll likely move it from JS to straight DHTML and hopefully be able to include keyboard navigation for those who might need it.

We even have clients. *grins* It's neat really.

Anyhow, thanks for trying though.


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