Which Control Panel Do You Prefer?

If i'm going by your Thread Title - I most prefer DirectAdmin as a control panel.

If I go by your poll and question in the thread, i'd say most hosts prefer Cpanel - not because they've tried em all, but because Cpanel was the first one they've used. Why change what you already know well?

Control panels are such a personal thing. It's a like the make of a car. I don't like Fords for a couple reasons, which are really inconsequential to the actual functioning of the car. The car still runs, I could drive it if I had to. Control panels are the same way - they function just fine, but what is your preference.

I'd say Cpanel is the most popular simply because more dedicated hosting providers offer it included with their service = better exposure. That coupled with the fact people usually stick to the first control panel they use....and there you have it.
DirectAdmin has been the best option after CPanel. Total support and reliability. Definetly is one of the most solid panels around. Very reliable and bug free. I wouldn't recommend another control panel out there personally.

CPanel is the easiest for server administrators. You basically don't have to know how to run anything on the server itself (unless something goes very wrong).
H-Sphere vs. the others

It seems that Hsphere has the most complete "whole" solution for a webhost on both Linux/Unix and Win. The Billing, Trouble Ticket systems seem nice. The CP features in the Win platform seem to offer more integration than Ensim/Plesk.

Unless the others are more open source, what reasons does anyone have for not choosing H-sphere? Your input is greatly apprciated.

It's not about the most "whole" solutions to customers always. It's about stability and the ease of use of the control panel for the end user. H-Sphere does not have the ease of use as other control panels do. The pricing structure for H-Sphere is also hard to swallow for some hosts while some may just think it is not worth the money. Some use different versions of OS's that H-Sphere does not use.
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Cpanel and Helm

We use cPanel on our Linux server and have for years :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: . As far as Windows machine we decided on HELM by WebHost Automation Ltd. All our clients really like the easy to use and modern control panel. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

cPanel has my vote. It is straight forward, almost idiot proof. I have two other sites hosted with plesk, and I really dislike it.
I'm a cpanel man. I do have to disagree with country-tyme slightly though. If you were a complete noob, I can forsee really causing havok if you want to.
My favourite would be H-Sphere it does every thing but as with most things you have to use what every one else wants and that seems to be CPanel i have been running Cpanel servers for about a year now (from around version 6) its getting better and they actualy seem to be fixing bugs now instead of adding silly little features that only 1% of the hosting world would use.

I am not too keen on Ensim mainly because of horrible memorys of a Patch going wrong :(

Plesk is a ok control panel it does exactly what it says on the tin but it lacks some features that other control panels have.

Direct Admin (DA) is the new control panel i have played around with it on my freinds servers and it looks good if not very good maybe a Cpanel replacement in the future who knows?

Stewart McIntosh
H-Sphere, by a country mile.

Second (not even close, however) would be Plesk 7, with CPanel just behind.

As someone working with over 30 servers, dominated largely by H-Sphere, I see it as a no-contest.


CPanel - for the reason that this is the control panel that i know the most about , over the other control panel software available.
I most prefere DA.
But H-Sphere is going to cetch up soon. SInce they already for 2 programs out and are working on a new version for H-Sphere. Seems like cPanel has always been the same and will always be the same. I am sure glad DA is around other wise i would be stuck with cPanel.
cPanel is amazing, it's the first control panel system ive used, and i was impressed by its intuitiveness and the features. Though ive never tried the others. How do they compare in terms of ease of use and features? And price too..

might be informative to others on the thread

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