Which Control Panel??

Well I'm using cPanel and Plesk for comercial purpose,so far cPanel is most used and I have most servers with it,but I succeed to incrase Plesk users also in last year.For VPS hosting I use SolusVM and 3 month ago I set Open nebula on one KVM Node and so far it work fine,I had incrased number of suport ticket in begining but not due technical problems but mostly Users ask help with user guides and documentation.After we publish our open nebula F.A.Q documentation users accept it and only few ask to migrate their VPS.
As for other panels I have experience with almost all even with some less known in public.
I want to refer only to shared. Why I dislike cPanel:

- With cPanel, you have 2 different Control Panels - one for your website and another one for your invoices and domains.

- With cPanel, you have 1 main domain name folder and all other add-on domain names are located inside it.

- cPanel's File Manager offers neither drag-and-drop file upload support.

- While with the The cPanel web hosting CP you do your work in time, it's built on ideas from the year 2000 and can be sluggish at times.

- The cPanel hosting CP lists all available icons on the home page. To switch between sections, you constantly need to go back there.
- With cPanel, you have 2 different Control Panels - one for your website and another one for your invoices and domains.

For many this is a huge bonus and is the same with most control panels. Thanks to this setup, we can handle billing and support the way we want it with our custom billing system and Kayako support system.

cPanel is trying to be the best at being a website control panel not so much a billing system (They own part of WHMCS for that).

- With cPanel, you have 1 main domain name folder and all other add-on domain names are located inside it.

This does have it's drawbacks, yes. The solution is to opt for a reseller account or purchase separate hosting accounts or simply live with it. It isn't so bad after all, just, the setup could be better.

- cPanel's File Manager offers neither drag-and-drop file upload support.

Not many are requesting this so I can imagine there are lots more features in the pipeline before this will be considered. You can support it here though: http://features.cpanel.net/responses/drag-and-drop-file-upload-tool-for-multiple-file-uploads

- While with the The cPanel web hosting CP you do your work in time, it's built on ideas from the year 2000 and can be sluggish at times.

Some features do come in slow but when they do it, they do it properly. Otherwise they're really pushing some great stuff especially in the recent updates.

If the control panel is sluggish for you it may be your hosting provider / your server. On a server with the resources available it is normally pretty snappy.

- The cPanel hosting CP lists all available icons on the home page. To switch between sections, you constantly need to go back there

The cPanel 'homepage' has a search filter to filter out icons and you can re-arrange the categories to put the commonly used ones at the top. Have you seen the new Paper Lantern theme?

It has a top navigation so I am pretty sure you can also add a few commonly used links to that. By doing this, you no longer have to constantly open the homepage and can simply use that.
Which Control Panel do you prefer for

  1. Shared hosting plans
  2. VPS Hosting Plans

I personally love Interworx... been using it for years now, and my clients seem to love it. Still, it's a hard sell when people are used to CPanel, and CPanel integrates much better with the likes of WHMCS =/
Commonly beginners use shared hosting , so a bignner normally prefer user friendly and wide variet if features. Here Cpanel dominate all other controlpanel. Cpanel provides quality support for users though.
cPanel is not very user friendly in my opinion.
Too many login points, too many different areas
We love our Hepsia Control Panel.
I think Hepsia is better than cPanel.
For Shared Hosting cPanel is the obvious and the best choice. As for VPS, you have lots of choices. SolusVM and Virtuozzo are quite good and stable. However, there are other cheap options like virtualizor available too.
cPanel is simple, highly compatible, has interactive interface, easily portable and doesn't need much prior experience and is practically out-of-the-box usable. Also, it has a great set of features through which you can easily manage your complex website tasks, such as maintaining regular databases and code backup, managing and forwarding email addresses and email accounts, adding and managing multiple websites under a single accounts etc.
Interworx has quickly become my personal favorite. As a company with a thousand control panel users - Interworx's customer service is second to none.
I've used Plesk, Direct Admin, cPanel, and Kloxo.. I prefer cPanel over anything else for it's ease of use.. (my) Customers tend to like the friendlier layout and control panel..
I've used Plesk, Direct Admin, cPanel, and Kloxo.. I prefer cPanel over anything else for it's ease of use.. (my) Customers tend to like the friendlier layout and control panel..

Which one do you offer? x3 or Paper Lantern? A couple panels have recently updated their designs actually.