Which DC do you have?


New member
I was wondering which DC is most used in this forum. Also please write a quick review on the services . I would really appreciate it.
Currently I have a few servers at BurstNet. Support has been excellent! Only thing is the sales staff has been unorganized these days , other than that I have no problems with them and hope to stay for a long time with them.
We have our servers colocated in different data centers from BurstNet, The Planet, Vault Networks, Ezzi Networks and so on. Well each data center has its own ups and downs...I guess it is part of the game :)
We use the Redbus Interhouse carrier neutral facilities.
Very pleased with them - good price for the rackspace, power, execellant aircon, fm2000 fire suppression etc.

The offer an included intelligent hands service, although they've much less technically adept staff now, so a reboot is ok, but you cant get a cisco switch vlan setup :p

The racks they offer in with the rental of space are well made, Knurr, ventilated doors and roof, although we're now using custom made units deeper (1m) and different door designs, so future space will be floor footprint only.

They have multiple buildings in the UK and fibre interconnects between buildings, so we can supply services to wherever the customer wants to be located or already is.
US side
We have some servers at ev1 - cant say I have had any problems to date with either the service or support they provide.

UK side
I have some servers based in a facility in Reading, again no problems with that, and as the connectivity is about to be upped, im more than happy with it.
Simliar to rob, I use some servers in Redbus interhouse too (HEX), and plan to put some more gear up there hopefully by the end of the year / early jan.
We use nac, ev1, and servermatrix/theplanet. There's so many ups and downs to each, it's hard to write a 'conclusive' review of all of them at once. Perhaps I'll write it up when I'm not so tired :)

They are expensive but they are rock solid. It's worth the extra money to have one less thing to worry about, like your network going down.
We have our server at servermatrix.com. Been there since September we have enjoyed it very much. Very friendly staff always there to help out. 2 ring NOC is great incase of emergencys. Ticket support is a little slow at times but the phone call gets it handled quickly.

Currently, I've a few servers at NAC.

I am, however, plan to get four full racks from LayerOne with bandwidth from Aleron, Level(3) and UUNet. I'd like to, in the future, have all servers in LayerOne.
Have a server at ServerMatrix and love it. Just moved over from RackForce and can't believe ServerMatrix's network. I'm loving it.
I just moved my Uncles servers to the company I work for. Earthnet. It is a lot different from the larger corporate centers in Denver, and is the only Tier 1 Data center in Boulder, CO. Besides the location, I OBVIOUSLY know the staff and have confidence in the company. I think he works better with a "small and friendly" company culture. The services, nerwork, uptime...it's all great. But the best part is that Earthnet specializes in small and rapidly growing companies. I think Uncle Bob was not getting good customer service because he was a small dollar client. "We have Bob on line 1 and Hewett-Packard on line 2" Who do you think got helped first?
Have a rack with our own poweredge servers in a buddy cage which is located in XO, Have to say it's extremely nice, good speeds, and really friendly technicians.
I get all my servers from BurstNet / Nocster because there support is brilliant. We had a hardware error once and we suggested that it was the memory, as soon as we said they went and changed it for us :D

The network is greatly improved since they moved to BGP4, did the equipment upgrades and added an additional gig line. The pricing is also decent.