Which is better?


New member
Ok you all know I am starting a hosting company but before I get it all finalized the domain is very important. Which one of these domains do you think is better:


Thanks :)
I would go for datahosts.com. I don't think people would remember the "hoster" in sunhoster.com or goldhoster.com.
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Do you own these domains?
If not the point of which one is better is probably mute. They are probably taken.
DATAHOSTS.COM is pending delete. WebDT, perhaps you should backorder it to have the greatest possible chance of getting it once it is deleted.
I don't like datahosts.com
IMHO your customers might typo to datahost.com.
Or maybe you want to attract typo customers from datahost.com to yours. :)

I think sunhoster and goldhoster is easiest to remember.
Sunhoster might be better because goldhoster will make your services looks like expensive to afford.
datahosts is definitely the best.. the word 'hoster' would throw people off, though if you chose either of them I would go with 'sun' and brand your site accordingly ;). Goldhoster makes me think of cheesy casino sites.. and that's just me :)

A Domain Name doesn't effect much, what really matter is your service, if your service is good and cheap, people will get your service even if your domain name is fjd;afjasdf;dja;jal;tj;asdltj;ajt;

You know what i mean? =)