Whm Error Page Manager


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We developed for our own needs a tool to easily manage and customize error pages, server-wide, on Cpanel servers.We thought that we could release this tools to the community, as long as it is a must-have for every webhoster.See below the details of this product (that we actually named WHMEPM for WHM ERROR PAGES MANAGER).2 types of licenses are actually available:
FREE: You can test this product as long as you want and on as many servers you'd like for Free! You (your resellers and your customers) will be able to customize the default template to suit your corporate identity.This version will only add a Top Addword advertising and a bottom banner.(Proprietary advertising network. Note: We'll avoid, of course, webhosting advertising on this slot.)Although these are forced-ads, we tried to make the default page the more decent possible for the conveniance of every users. You may review a standard free error page here.​
OWNED: This license will allow you to enjoy this product to the full extend of its capacity. No forced advertising, only your whole profitable advertising network.​
We also provide several level of discount:
  • 5 to 10 licenses = 20% Off.
  • 10 to 20 Licenses = 30% Off
  • 20 to 50 Licenses = 40% Off
  • +50 Licenses = 50% Off
Enables you to take full advantage of your clients error pages if they do not have any by default. Take a look at your server logs for a quick estimate on how many errors your server(s) "dish out" each month!! You will be surprised! You will also be surprised at how many domains on your server do not have any error pages set and rely on default apache handling which is a) ugly and b) usually causes another error because its default setup to read a "errno.shtml" document located in each of your clients own public_html directories. Example: "Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request".​
If your clients are not using their error pages then why not advertise your hosting companies or other online businesses on them or even sell 404 advertising space? We say 404 but actually mean 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504 and 505's. All the common errors and a few less common, but common enough to warrant a little attention also!​
This system knows who your resellers are and they too will get their own skeleton directory of error pages for them to edit. These pages will be displayed on domains owned by them and not by root.Your resellers will love you for this! It will even work with mutli-level reselling provided that each reseller is assigned ownership of the reseller under them, though if they are not, this can very easily be rectified via a root WHM account!​
Your customers comes first! If your client has set their OWN error pages then they will take precedence over our system. Whether they have a htaccess file or are using "the default" 404.shtml etc... our system emulates the original setup and only takes over the error handling where error handling is not in use by the domain. In fact, we say EMULATE but it's actually IMPROVE! Before you installed our system your clients could upload a 404.shtml page etc... to their public_html directory. They can now upload htm, html and php in addition to a page using a shtml extension and also support several more error types!​
cPanel/WHM on a Stable or Release branch though it SHOULD also work on both the Current and Edge branches too, however, we'll NOT officially support the later!This script is encoded with IONcube and come with the necessary auto-install script if the loader aren't installed on your server.And also... Root access ;)

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