WHMPHP slight issues


New member
I may be having some issues with WHMPHP, but i'm not sure....

some things seem a little a strange.

When i log into it under "master" it shows more than just the master accounts, its showing a couple of my resellers resellers acounts, under the title Master Resellers. when i log into these accounts they do NOT have master privileges. So its not really a problem, but i hope its not gonig to turn into one.

Has anybody eles had these sorts of issues with WHMPHP
If I'm reading this correctly it sounds like these are master reseller accounts that your resellers are selling. So technically they are master reseller accounts, by definition, but permissions-wise, they are not.

WHMPHP is a solid piece of software so I wouldn't worry about it. We use it and have not have had very few issues with it.

Do you have mirrors fix (Qooy script) for:
-Mediafire (optional)
-2Shared (optional)

Please post or send me link.
Best regards.
I have a problem with scripts like this. I think if your goal is to provide a well-managed stable server environment..there is no place for scripts like this.

its weird because whmphp is really quite new, but alot of people seem to choose this other the others, i dont sell master resellers anyway, but ive always quite like the zamfoo script...?
its weird because whmphp is really quite new, but alot of people seem to choose this other the others, i dont sell master resellers anyway, but ive always quite like the zamfoo script...?

i found that zamfoo have more features.
but it seems like most people prefer whmphp.
on stability wise, i feel that it is both ok.

on price wise, they are both almost the same price....
but i will usually suggest whmphp to my clients as more ppl prefer whmphp...
Hi all
WHMPHP v5 series has more features and power than v4 series and is tightly integrated to WHM.
It also comes with Misc toolset which has quite a lot of tools integrated. Be sure to check the site www.whmphp.com and the blog for more information
Hello, WHMPHP is also a one man show. I can confirm at least 2 people are running ZamFoo as I do quite a bit of business with them.

WHMPHP isn't a one man show. I am the core developer and I have employees under me. We are a Private Limited software/hosting company ( Not like some 17 year old kid ) registered under India Government ( Proof available if for anyone who wants it ) . And for getting Private Limited registration we have to pay registration fee, we have to pay tax, we have to have good financial strength and need at least TWO people.

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the only way that no automation takes places is in the following scenarios:

1) your hosting plans are called root_xxxx
2) you are not selecting the correct package name when setting up accounts from whm
3) your billing software is not set to use the correct package name in the autogrant
4) you have incorrectly set an acl name in your billing software(not confirmed but potentially possible)

Perhaps this steps can help you and found in the knowledge base from Zamfoo:

Create a Alpha, Master or WHM Account using Autogrant
Synopsis: Make Alpha, Master, WHM and Cpanel packages, Add the Alpha Package to the Alpha Autogrant. Add the Master Package to the Master Autogrant, Add the WHM package to the WHM Autogrant. Don't do anything with the Cpanel Package. Select the correct package when you set up a new account. If you make an Alpha or Master account, then the Alpha or Master account client must also follow these same steps to make a Master or WHM account:

First create a hosting plan via the 'Add Packages' link in the left IFRAME of the WHM GUI.
After creating the package the correct package name will be displayed. It should be in Username_Package name format with no spaces and only 1 underscore. The autogranter will not allow you to add any packages that are not in this format. The only exception to the rule is packages made by root. Having root create packages in any other syntax for (you and adding them to the autogrant will cause certian functions in ZamFoo to not work properly.

After you have created a package in the correct format, navigate to the corresponding Autogrant Screen in your Root, Alpha or Master Reseller Screen. Older versions of ZamFoo have a text box. Version 3.1 and later have selection boxes. Select or type in the package name you just made. If the package is not located in the selection box it is not in the correct syntax. Select the package name and Click the Add button.

Now any hosting account made with that package name will get WHM priviledges set in the Configure Settings Screen and the corresponding level of ZamFoo access that you have given it with the Autogrant function.

Navigate to the 'Create New Account' page in the left IFRAME of the WHM GUI. Fill out the form and select the correct package name. Click the button to create the account. Selecting the Grant Reseller Priveledges option should not affect creation. Allowing the client to own their own account may. Do not select either of these options because it will only create problems. ZamFoo works without them. After the account is created you can scroll down to the ZamFoo section and see the output which lists various confirmations or error messages regarding the granting of WHM priviledges and ZamFoo Access.