who is the owner of HD?

I didnt say that but not alot of post happens on this boad on one day... We need to get people to post alot like active in posting....
The forum is pretty active, but not where it should be. Not sure how to raise activity, but some ideas would help. Anyone? :)
It is useful forum its true but not many posts are coming in a day,if you sit on posting you can answer all the threads in one hour normally.

I wrote on PM to Artashes long back but he is very particular that this forum should come up in organic way, good luck Artashes
I wrote on PM to Artashes long back but he is very particular that this forum should come up in organic way, good luck Artashes

Its true, but I also mentioned that I am open to any great/creative ideas on how we can grow it faster.

We recently launched our own News Blog http://www.hostingdiscussion.com/blog and its doing quite well I think. This should help us get some extra readership and outside traffic. We are also considering some other projects we can add to HostingDiscussion.com
Everything takes time and so far HD is doing well. Also, the blog is doing quite well and will continue to do so. :)
Most Valuable Member of the Month sounds appealing to me. More in-house contest, perhaps? :)

We will certainly brainstorm on some other ideas we can increase the activity rates. But if you have something interesting in mind, please share it with us. :)
This forum has a lot of potential, don't see why it can't become bigger with more activity and think its been doing pretty good. I think one way to increase traffic is to check out similar forums and see what things they are doing differently from here. More contests are good.