Who, Replies to the most topics?

HS Nick

New member
JOHN / MODS : Feel free to delete this thread. If you would like.

Who do you think replies to the most topics, weither they know what they are talking about or not?

i prefer calling us "jumpstarters" instead of "Spammers"


Mabey this will help your decission.

HAHA Nick.
Sometimes its like that with other members too though, there could be 3 new posts in each of those forums and you only replied to one so it doesnt mean your a spammer or anything ;)

EDIT: I voted for myself BUT Gordy wasnt up there and I know most of his post count is replies but I have created quite a lot of new topics ;)

EDIT 2: Ok I added Gordy and removed my vote and voted for him :)
We'll I try to post on most topics but there are not all topics that I have anything to comment. Shame. So, I vote John, our fateful admin.
Ops i knew i forgot someone. I was going to edit it to put him up there, but it says only Mods can edit polls.

But im going to vote for myself. hehe.
It depends on the timezone of people being on, and who's around. When only one person or so is on, and they reply to the things they find interesting, it'll put them all up to the top, even if they didnt reply to everything. So it doesnt really help other than show who was last active
I dunno, sometimes yes, but others i just wish the week would hurry up and go by. sometimes it feels like its taking foever!
Who did you vote for Nick and I can change your vote.
Maybe its because you know you have such a good time when your on here GC ;)

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