Will Google Copy Bing?


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Bing is moving away from the minimalist search result interface and started integrating a lot in the search engine results. And as I have seen their presentations in various conferences, they back up their search results layout that has categories on the side with eye tracking heat map data and other user testing saying that these categories really help users get to what they are searching for.

Google might consider this as well. Right now there are tons of posts talking about the preview of Google’s new search result interface showing a side bar. It does not seem to be categories, but just repositioning the Web, Images, Video, News, etc options from the top to the side.
I think they will eventually - cause everyone copies from others at some point even not intentionally - making things better is what push evolution and technology forward. It dont have to be direct copy but microsoft solutions seems to be exctiting and google effective solutions are just getting old.
Google has already proved to be using its very own ranking systems and an easy plus simple working interface. They will definitely amend their ranking algorithms because it might be a needed procedure in the course of time but I do not believe Google would be learning anything from Bing or even Yahoo.
I believe that Google is far superior to Bing or Yahoo, only last year I've read that Yahoo was getting pointers how to improve their search engine from Google (don't know if article was true or false)... but as everyone knows Google is the top 1 search engine out there far above the competition.
Certainly, Google dominates the market, but Bing has captured some of that market with it's lastest ads. Whereas I used to only use Google, I now use both Google and Bing to compare results, especially with images.
If Rupert Murdoch does what he says he will and removes all of his content from Google, that might be a real motivator for other news outlets to do the same to start making money off their content. I think, if that happens, we're all going to be hopping from one engine to another a lot more than we do now. I think that will have a lot more influence on use than features.
Huh, interesting. I hadn't seen that, thanks. Of course it makes sense that Google would do everything possible to avoid losing its Murdoch news. In a way, I'll be kind of sad if things stay the same. I was excited about the possibility of the end of Google's search engine monopoly.
I think that Google is in this for simplicity's sake.

In reality, there is simply no way that Murdoch would pull out News Corp from Google. The idea that consumers would have to use certain search engines for access to certain news sources is ridiculous and frankly I don't think any media company that signed on to that would be able to take the revenue hit.

The real danger is that Google would just decide to start it's own wire service. They already have Blogger under their wing as a platform...it could be done.
I was thinking along the same line about Murdoch pulling out from Google - if he thinks he's having problems now, that would be a dagger in the heart. Bing may have captured some market share but Google looks to own the lion's share for the foreseeable future.
I don’t think Google will copy Bing search results but I do think they will make similar interface changes.
What do you guys think of the Bing/Yahoo deal?

Kind of ridiculous IMO, Bing gets all of Yahoo's search algorithms, all their market share, and in return they write a couple of checks and get to take 22% of the ad revenue from Bing searches on Yahoo.

Haha, I have to say, Steve Ballmer is a great negotiator. I feel sorry for Yahoo's investors.
I don't think copy would be the right world for it. As we can say that many of the search engines have come up copying google. However if we talk about the Google and Bing, Bing has certainly surprised Google. I have heard that immediately after the success of the Bing, google updated its algorithm , also it announced a new search engine based on semantic search called Google Caffeine.
I think that Google is in this for simplicity's sake.

In reality, there is simply no way that Murdoch would pull out News Corp from Google. The idea that consumers would have to use certain search engines for access to certain news sources is ridiculous and frankly I don't think any media company that signed on to that would be able to take the revenue hit.

The real danger is that Google would just decide to start it's own wire service. They already have Blogger under their wing as a platform...it could be done.

I don't know, man. I think if anybody could take the revenue hit it would be Murdoch. His properties have huge followings. People can be doggedly loyal to their news venues of choice. I think a significant number of NY Post readers, for example, would go just about anywhere they were told to go for their NY Post. It might not be the smartest choice for Murdoch individually, but I think this is one of the only hopes for breaking up Google's monopoly and finally re-monetizing news.
I believe that Google is far superior to Bing or Yahoo, only last year I've read that Yahoo was getting pointers how to improve their search engine from Google

Yahoo used to "buy in" their results from Google and have now switched to buying them from Bing ...
I think Google will slowly move away from their super minimalist search result interface.

What would be the point of Google, right now being very successful in the search engine (and advertising) business, wanting to copy Bing which at present is not overly successful?

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