Will work for your 'Forum'


New member
Do you have a forum that hasn't have enough members?
are you sick of advertising everywhere and still your board hasn't got as popular as you wanted? then you are at the right thread.

Hire me becouse :

I'm pretty good at bringing members to a forum and making the forum popular and i'm good at maintaning the forum.

some of my work can be seen here :

this was my forum :
www.teenstandard.com - it was on a free server before , i'm talking about 2004...I sold it when it had about 300 members.
300 members in just 2 weeks!..

and second forum i had was : www.teen-terminal.com

I sold it when it had 200 member , 200 members in just 15 days.

I'm pretty good at this work - i'm very experienced , i have been working in this field for 4 years.

I can't 101% make you sure that they will be regular members however i'll put all my effort to make the community alive.

Contact me as soon as possible!

MSN : romeo_sahill@hotmail.com
E-mail : zahmed75@gmail.com
PM me.

Thank YOU.

- Diesel