Windows 2000 Advance Server


New member
For a limited time, the following offer will be offered with no setup fee and at a discounted rate. We will offer this server at the low

Celeron 1.8
80 Gig Hard Drive
512 Ram
10 IP's
500gig monthly data transfer.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Free Tech Support for 1year
100 monthly
No setup fee.

Price of $89.00 /month

Windows Terminal Service
Windows Email Service
CT CART Shopping Cart

Additional Services Hosting controller $10.00 per month

For full details please see

Any question you can email me at
I might be interested in hosting with you but why on your site you have different specs for the same price?

Windows W-3
Pentium 4 2Ghz
80GB Hard Drive
700GB Transfer

Intel Pentium 4 2Ghz W-3
IP Addresses: 10
Memory: 1GB DDR RAM
Hard Drive: 80GB 7200RPM IDE
Transfer: 700GB per month

One has 512mb ram and the other has 1gb ram.

I like the fact they are managed. Do they come with firewall?

I understand they come with asp, mssql, access database also. Can you install mysql and php?

Are there any webstats?
On my site I dont seethat? What I see is the spec.

Pentium 4 2Ghz W-3
IP Addresses: 10
Memory: 1GB DDR RAM
Hard Drive: 80GB 7200RPM IDE
Transfer: 700GB per month
$129.95/Monthly $199.95/Setup Fee