WP Super-Cache VS Litespeeds New Wordpress Cache Plugin


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We did some simple benchmarking to see how Litespeeds new Wordpress Cache plugin stacked up against what many consider the #1 Wordpress Cache Plugin WP Super-Cache.

We published those results on our blog recently and wanted to share them with you guys as the results are pretty amazing. Here are the end result numbers. the original post can be seen here:
<URL snipped>

WordPress Caching Nocache VS Litespeed Cache VS WP Super-Cache

Time Taken To Complete Test (Lower Is Better)

Time taken for tests: 5.773 seconds (No Caching)

Time taken for tests: 0.023 seconds (WP Super-Cache)

Time taken for tests: 0.009 seconds (Litespeed WordPress Cache)

Requests Per Second (Higher Is Better)

Requests per second: 8.66 [#/sec] (mean) (No Caching)

Requests per second: 2131.56 [#/sec] (mean) (WP Super-Cache)

Requests per second: 5311.24 [#/sec] (mean) (Litespeed WordPress Cache)

I expected Litespeeds Wordpress cache to putperform other Wordpress caches but did not expect that it would be by that much. We plan on some more in depth testing with Siege and also with Litespeeds new Xenforo Cache, should be fun!
Litespeed is not that expensive considering the benefits it gives you in performance.

A 2-CPU license (for servers with upto 16 cores), costs under $50 a month. The server costs around $500 dollars a month to run.

Now consider that you can put many more customers on the same hardware, but it will still perform better and is more stable.

All of a sudden that $50 seems like a rock-solid investment.

As a percentage of the software cost it's infinitely more expensive than apache, but if you consider it infrastructure, as it makes it more stable and gives you better density, then it saves you money in the long run.
Better served customers create less helpdesk tickets, so the saving could be greater than you think.
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The investment pays itself over and over as does the increased performance and stability across the server.
Servers are usually cheaper than 500 usd these days.So I do not think license will benefit much if we use nginx properly
If they are less than $500 they will probably have less than 16 CPUs and will only need a 1CPU license, which is only $32.

We used to sell Varnish Cached NGINX, but we moved back to LightSpeed for the following reasons.

1. On a shared server with "Random Load" LiteSpeed beat NGINX hands down.
2. It's apache compatible, so no code needs changing.
3. It's supported by DirectAdmin, C'Panel & CloudLinux, NGINX is not.

You will spend more supporting customers on non-standard platforms than you will on a LiteSpeed License.
(Well we did, I suppose it depends on the number of customers you have).
My own 0.02 here:
Litespeed is an amazing product, and hands down better than anything I've seen.

A year or so ago, I was working in a WP shop. We had constant load issues with all of our servers (mainly due to hardware configuration, etc), but we gave litespeed a chance. During the trial, we noticed that everything went just smoothly, except for one rule we had to rewrite, which was fine.

After a few months, we rolled the setup out to all servers, and, yeah, same, exact performance. Beautifully smooth and much lower load.

I'm curious to see if they've implemented caching, but not sure that would have helped that specific situation much.

My own personal experience is that LS caching for WP is hands down the best out there. I've seen it take massively slow WP sites and just pick them right up. Not a bad product at all there.
Litespeed is a great product. The price on the face of it looks prohibitive though if you invest in it you will finally get the money back as the server will run faster with slightly more clients that pay that cost.
We have been using litespeed for years with the cache enabled and have had great success. Have not tried the actual plugin for wordpress but will have to give it a try and see.
If you consider litespeed's pricing 'prohibitive', you're in the wrong business. Given what it actually does, it's under priced
If you consider litespeed's pricing 'prohibitive', you're in the wrong business. Given what it actually does, it's under priced
I don't know that I'd go that far as there are free alternatives that can perform nearly as well.

We're a LiteSpeed host but I'll tell you that we can get the same performance out of Apache 2.4 + MPM Event + LSAPI as I can LiteSpeed - it will just use nearly twice the RAM to do it.

Then again ram is a cheap one-time cost for us.
We've started encouraging our customers to replace other cache plugins with LiteSpeed Cache.

In our oppinion it's become stable enough for production use and offers great performance. We used to recommend WP Rocket (paid cache plugin) to customers who could afford it but now don't see any reason to not use Litespeed's plugin instead.

They are working on adding ESI cache support to their plugin so when they support WooCommerce with ESI, it will then become in our oppinion better than WP Rocket.

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