Yet Another Web Hosting Reviews and Rating Site but...


New member
I wanted to share my idea with you people. There are so many websites showing web hosting company ratings (1 to 10) with so many fake reviews or only POSITIVE reviews. This is becoming almost useless for visitors to get benefit from that. I think everyone can easily notice such sites. My plan is to create one site that should have real ratings. I request people or will try to contact them if I found any clue to actually confirm the review and then post it with my own authentication. Hence based upon such findings, I should list companies in rank they deserve. Here is my site,

It is pretty new still as I need to find real reviews by myself. I hope there will come a day when people will start sending me their reviews so I can reply them to investigate the matter.

Please give me your valuable suggestions. The bottom line objective is to build this site as fair ranking site to give exact situation to valued visitor.
I find it interesting that you claim to be starting a site that is somehow different and yet it is full of the same old hosting sites with your affiliate links that pay the most but never have good reviews in the real world.
In reality all you are doing is trying to direct traffic to your site by posting so called "site review" posts so you can collect affiliate money and it is highly unlikely you ever intend to create a real review site.
I wanted to share my idea with you people. There are so many websites showing web hosting company ratings (1 to 10) with so many fake reviews or only POSITIVE reviews. This is becoming almost useless for visitors to get benefit from that.

"1 to 10" form of rating is left to interpretation and is not accurate. I don't think a simple number would properly evaluate the performance of any hosting company.

I've been struggling to come up with that "perfect" review site for years. I am starting to realize that a review is a very subjective term and the only real projection of how company performs lies by how satisfied clients are with their needs.

Other than that, creating measurable reviews provide more value to customer. For example, uptime monitoring from an X number of customer's websites can give you an understanding how well hosting company's network is and how well they manage their servers.
I find it interesting that you claim to be starting a site that is somehow different and yet it is full of the same old hosting sites with your affiliate links that pay the most but never have good reviews in the real world.
In reality all you are doing is trying to direct traffic to your site by posting so called "site review" posts so you can collect affiliate money and it is highly unlikely you ever intend to create a real review site.

I appreciate your feedback in this regard. However I already said it is pretty new site. I am still working on it and I need a lot of real feedbacks (that I myself can verify) before I can give accurate ranking there. Right now I have chosen the best one that I found on my research at internet.

Earning affiliate income is perfectly fine if you can add value for a visitor. If I am working hard to bring up accurate results (as much as I can), then I have the right to earn affiliate income if I can forward some sales to great companies. I can't see anything wrong there. It is like Win(visitor)-Win(hosting company)-Win(me) situation. However I would really appreciate your suggestions to improve ranking parameters etc.
"1 to 10" form of rating is left to interpretation and is not accurate. I don't think a simple number would properly evaluate the performance of any hosting company.

I've been struggling to come up with that "perfect" review site for years. I am starting to realize that a review is a very subjective term and the only real projection of how company performs lies by how satisfied clients are with their needs.

Other than that, creating measurable reviews provide more value to customer. For example, uptime monitoring from an X number of customer's websites can give you an understanding how well hosting company's network is and how well they manage their servers.

Thank you very much for very valuable analysis. I have already said that 1 to 10 ranking is not accurate (form my aspect) right now. It is more about my internet research on company rankings. I am going to change it from time to time (it will even include removing existing companies and adding new companies).

You have given me a great idea of defining some parameters and then giving there ratings rather than listing simple ranks as 1, 2,3. However such ranks would be very helpful for a visitor to decide who is relatively on the top. Here are the parameters I can think of right now,

(1) Customer Support
(2) Up Time
(3) Site Performance (Speed and Bandwidth Availability)
(4) Frequency of Issues (even if they are solved promptly)
(5) Price

Please help me find new or adjust these parameters.
People won't rely on such review sites easily because most of review sites are supported by sponsors or affiliate program and rarely have fair set of review criteria.

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