Your favorite hosting site


New member
Hey guys!

As you know, the next big part of Hostingfrog is getting the website up and running :). There isn't much more to say about it than I've been slacking. Sure, plenty of good excuses, busted computer and vacation being a few of the better ones.. and all that said, Hostingfrog still needs to have a website! Word of mouth as a business model is great but uhh.. it works a lot better when people have a site to check out!

SO.. as I work on the site, I'd like some feedback from you guys!

What are some of your favorite hosting sites.. and why?

My objective is to not only make a site that looks good, but a site that pulls its own weight and sells.

What are the important things that a site needs to have?

One of the things that I'll be doing with Hostingfrog that I feel will set the site apart from most is the Education center... I'll be talking more about that in upcoming posts :).

Anyways.. I look forward to hearing from each of you!

I like and for example. My main criteria is cleanness, but they must be somewhat catchy as well. :)

I like to have all the answers on the site and have them posted in an structure that is easy to understand and use. (I suppose this is the usability factor).

Other than that, I don't care much for web design. I suppose that for a hosting company it makes all the sense in the world to have a fast loading site as well. Some customers care about such a thing. (I don't.)
Any site I look at needs to have originality. If I go to one site, view it and then go to another site and find something that looks exactly the same, I'm going to close it and leave it unread.
As for the general site, I think that a good navigation system is key and that simplicity is everything!

If I go to one site, view it and then go to another site and find something that looks exactly the same, I'm going to close it and leave it unread.
Well now... forums are generally quite similar for example. Vbulletin's default skin is used more often enough. phpbb's as well.

Ceonex made sites have common elements if you look closely and yet they're some $30,000 a piece.

What I'm saying is that there are always exceptions... :)
What are some of your favorite hosting sites.. and why?
For some reason I love Their site is clean, loads fairly quickly, they have reasonable prices, and their logo is the best. I also like that the CEO, Bob Parsons, has a blog at his website,
What are the important things that a site needs to have?
Your education center seems like it could be a good idea. It should be very high quality section of your website, so it will make people and bookmark it and return later. I would be interested to see if the Education center actually does make a difference in the amount of visitors to your site.
As for the general site, I think that a good navigation system is key and that simplicity is everything!
Of course. I wouldn't want to go to a website where I couldn't find how to get to their shared hosting packages and domain name prices. Although it is probably an innocent error in web design, it makes me feel like they're trying to hide something.
For some reason I love

I'm also a fan of Godaddy's design.. its one of the few 'busy' designs that really works well for me.

Even though I really appreciate all the hard work that was put into the Hostingfrog design, I think I'm going to go ahead and redo it :).

I have such a strong drive towards simplicity.. sites that are designed well and meaningfully.. with simplicity.

I'm going to keep many of the elements of the current design.. just going to smooth things out and restructure a bit :).

Thanks for the input guys!

Simple is always the best way to go. Unless, of course, you can pull off a busy site design, like GoDaddy. Good luck on the redesign!
Hey! I just wanna throw some props out for a site I found today:

Its a brilliant little hosting website that is quite inspiring to me as a designer right now :). They make awesome use of whitespace and.. check out the community!

What do you guys think?

Very simple design. Simple logo. I like it. They should have specified a pixel size for the font, so that it would be displayed the same no matter what font size you choose. Other than that, it's a decent site.
They should have specified a pixel size for the font, so that it would be displayed the same no matter what font size you choose.
Peter will not agree with your on that (he likes to be able to change font size). :)

Hey! I just wanna throw some props out for a site I found today:

(...)What do you guys think?
As I said earlier in this thread, I like it. :)
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You can tell the designer of that site has alot of advertising experience. Everything about that site is done in an advertisement format.
I would have to say ************.com has been very good for me. They have always been quick with tickets. Almost like instant chat. They are always on top of fixing any bug I have had. No matter how small they always came threw. Even helped me out when I moved from a reseller plan to my own server. Which wasn't even there server. I was with them for 3 year and they never let me down.
My experience:

ipoweweb : they terminated my account without warning .

p4host : (reseller plan ) : they was good until I had low traffic .then they delete some of my websites without warning.

Hostonce : technical problem. : They are excellent ,but expensive .
OK, it's not a "hosting" site, but is very striking. Simplicity to perfection. Frankly, I just love how he built his site.

As a matter of interest, Mike Johnston is none other than the guy who built the Soholaunch product (and site).

Asmallorange: I can see the appraoch, but I think there's a fine line you tread when going that simple. I think it borders on being too plain, and too simple.

I agree with Vito; For a simple site, I really admire the site.

As for hosting related, I like Interland's site. My old favourite was Rackspace's old design. The new one doesn't come close to it though, in my opinion.


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