
I mean re build all the packages that Yum comes with on a typical new and first install of centos 6.4
you can use rpm -Uvh http:/somerepourl/packagename.rpm

Not sure why you want to. What is it exactly you are trying to achieve?

Basically, to have manual installation of any package, it has to be checked whether the package you are trying to update or install has dependencies and if so, you will have to update all of those with it too to avoid any further compatibility issues.

To have manual installation of any package on a RedHat/CentOS machine, you can use their standard mirror to get to the rpm package. You can use the below link and select the OS version follwed with server archetecture and kind of repo you want, updates or all package.


You can download individual rpm from this mirror to your server and install it using below command:
# rpm -ivh <package_name.rpm>

The above command is like to give dependencies error if the package has dependencies.

If you want to install the rpm with no dependencies, you can use "--nodeps " while installing the rpm with the above command.
I would choose
and then install it manually without rpm commands,is it ok?

24x7server is awesome thanks

Yes that is okay. You can have individual package installed and if that is your requirement, you can proceed with it..

Why manually without rpm command?
Well now after testing what worked to me was this linux-3.18.tar.xz kernel sorry for missunderstanding it brought my machine in to a super machine with all the yum dependencies working at its best like they come with an unaltered os
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