Zimbra vs Gmail - Which is best for professional email hosting

Apart from the ease of using it, Zimbra works on Windows and Mac like the gmail and other email platforms. But zimbra is also compatible with unix and linux.
We use both sort of / we love our domain level gmail email hosting via our google apps account / we do use the Zimbra client but more to you point in using the entire Zimbra collaboration solution - Zimbra does have some nice feature in that too you can host your self / vs a fully hosted soltuon but as noted too there are unix linux version of zimbra / Cost is also a factor and licencing - matter of personal preference perhaps / we use a mix bag of platforms the google apps domain level email hosting , we also have the office 365 and have a corp domain on hosted exchange and to top all that off / for another venture we have / we use fastmail.com hosted mail services.

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I want to jump into this because recently I had to test both for some specific project I was working.

Let’s resume it like this. I had the need to create an advanced folder/filtering/tagging system for some log emails. I’m talking about 1000+ emails per day which gets nicely organized into color folders and filtered out based on specific trigger words.

So I started to test Gmail (because storage is free) and a local Zimbra server (not free). The filtering in Gmail is not bad, and the search is very powerful. But then I started to hit into some limitations. So I started to test the rules in Zimbra. Not only I was able to replace the same Gmail rules (while no labels, it has tags which is similar) but I could create far more complex rules. And the search in Zimbra is absolutely phenomenal as well, believe it or not, even while Gmail is from Google, Zimbra’s build in search (I think it’s using Elastic search) is superb.

I liked how emails are incoming in real time with Gmail but then again, you can also do that with Zimbra. Zimbra has just more features, and if you are talking about business collaboration I think it’s the better choice, in particular with the sharing folder and email features which means no more sending emails internally in the same organization.

I went with Zimbra for this particular project. And while Gmail rocks for private use, I would have second thoughts about business use. You may be violating some privacy policy by storing them on Gmail. Some specific type of business can’t store them on Gmail because of their scanning content issues and advertising. Actually they were just sued in the US again for this. While this may be less important for individuals, you may have to think about that. Some emails in particular in specific industries or governments have sensitive information which don’t allow them to be used with third party services that scan and read the content, no matter how automated it is.
I've used Zimbra previously and it did offer some great tools you'd use in businesses. I also loved their multi-tab email interface it offered.

All being said however, I use Gmail for personal use.
Gmail is hosted in data center and zimbra you need to host it in your own data center. Features wise, Gmail will be better as it can link to many others platform such as google drive, shared calendar and etc.

Besides that, Office365 also offering a great email system.

Zimbra and Gmail are both great and professional email hosting.

I think, it clearly depends on the user perception and the specific demand of the user about what he exactly want its email configured and what customizable options are provided by the email provider.

Some may like Gmail UI and some may like Zimbra. There is really a thin line between to describe who is best here (thats what I feel) Both must be having their pros and cons.
We are using zimbra because prefer own management. You may have greater uptime and stability on gmail. But you may lost a lot of own management as well.
Zimbra is the Best

For personal use, I will recommend Gmail. And we must all agree on it. But for Enterprise and Corporate use, Zimbra is the best. Just read one of the article - why Zimbra is the best suited over Gmail - <URL snipped>
Google Apps always better. They have reduced price recently so you will get quality service at low cost. Just paying for mail id you can also enjoy other prodcuts of Google Apps For Business.

Before going for paid subscription , you can try Google apps for 30 days. I hope that you will like Google apps for your business needs.

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