What marketing strategy do you use to resell hosting plans?

To become a brand of reseller hosting. First you need to know about your customer's needs and requirements and then you can offer accordingly. Social media is the best and very cheap for marketing. Make sure you respond every comments on social media as quick as you can to not ignoring them.
If you really trust your services, at last, you will have clients. Client always left bad providers and find until they meet good providers and be loyal many years after that.
So must to be a good provider, and patience :)
The difficulty is really getting your first bunch customers. After that things start to pick up really.

If you are attracting the right customers (not $1/m nulled software customers) they can become a huge factor in terms of growth. Reviews and recommending friends really does go a long way.

With the revenue from those customers and their referrals, you may be able to look into other avenues (I'd recommend staying away from PPC at this stage) but things such as an affiliate program. This truly goes a long way. Overtime you can scale this, we're dealing with millions in affiliate commissions annually.

Overtime you'll have a very nice little business where you have the cash reserves to experiment in other areas -- PPC, SEO etc.
No doubt there's a great competition out there but, even more and more businesses are coming online with their websites. This means the number of websites are also increasing.
These websites will be needing a web hosting provider so that those will be available to all. Ultimately, this is going to increase your value in the market.
You just need to focus on offering good services to your clients. Keep an eye on your competitors and act differently.
Most of our business come from local businesses wanting to have an online presence.

Starting local has its perks, as clients have the comfort of having to talk to you face to face.
I would suggest to capture local market first. If you have gain 50+ local clients you will get the confidence to go internationally and you can also recover your reseller cost.
We first need to find potential customers, such as those who need web hosting, then try to analyze what kind of platforms they usually use. Try to target them on that platform so they can reach you.

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