

New member
Give me some feedback for those that have used / are using this system. We are using it, and not quite sure if it is the best solution.

Yes, I just looked at the other thread, but want people that can compare 2checkout with thier current one.
Just curious to why you don't think 2checkout is the best solution . We have been using it for a few months and have been having a fine time.
That is what I am checking, if it is or not.

We are using it also, and so far I am very happy with it, just like to look at the field every so often to see who the players are.
We use it

Hey we use 2checkout as our payment proccessor and it seems to work well. we have no complaint's nor do any of our clients.

Their fees seem to be decent.
I am not sure what specifically you would like to know or what you would be looking for in a cc processor good tech support cheap fees, easy of use?? I am assuming all of these which 2checkout is pretty good with (My opinion)
Being as 2checkout & Revecom are in the same ballpark and just hearing about Revecom will refund for up to the last 12 months, does anyone know how far back 2checkout will go?
Its great

We are also using 2checkout system and very satisfied with the performance. They are great.

Hemant Kumar
CEO, Diamond Internet Solutions
We left 2checkout a few months ago after receiving no money for over 6 weeks. The only reason you wont find those posts on there forums anymore is because they removed them all. For a while i was told they got better, but then the other day one of my resellers said its been 4 weeks since he got any money.

I use paysystems.com and not only do they pay out every week (as opposed to 2 weeks with 2checkout), they surpass 2checkout greatly, mostly because of there very friendly phone support.
We have been very happy with Paysystems so far.
We have always gotten excellent support from them through their web based systems and over the phone.
2checkout has been holding one of my friend's money for the past week. It showed in his panel that the $500 was sent, but his bank knew nothing about it.

He kept sending them emails, to no avail. 2checkout never responded. So, I went further into their site and as they are with the BBB, I found a phone number to them. He finally got through to them on the phone and they told him it has to be confirmed and it would take 30 days! After my friend threatened that he'd plaster his experience all over public forums and complain to the BBB, they changed their tune and said they'll start confirming it now. This was just today. We've yet to see. So, my friend went into 2checkout's forum and hung around for quite awhile. He was seeing quite a few complaint posts that kept getting deleted as xAviaCEO mentioned.

xAviaCEO, were yours and your reseller's funds over $200? From what my friend summized, anything over $200 was being held. Them folks at 2checkout are racking up on interest from their customers' money.

I hope you all who are using PaySystems fare well with them. I've been hearing complaints about them. I don't use them myself, but I find some truth in those complaints, because just in the past 5 days, I attempted 2 purchases at different sites using PaySystems. It was frustrating to me as I couldn't get through to pay. So I had to email the owners and they let me pay them personally through PayPal. Well, they compensated me nicely for my patience:cool: Both times, 2 different glitches.
There used to be a lot of bad things about 2CheckOut - yet now they apparently are getting better and better.

I'm going to signup with them soon, and am hoping I'm not making a mistake! :crap:

PaySystems is nice. They also had a lot of problems before but are getting better, one thing that made a lot of people mad was the $0.01 for charity which was auto opt-in.

Finally they got rid of that and people were more happy to go with 'em.

I'm going to signup with 2CheckOut soon, and hopefully I wont have any problems. :D
I found out from Roy (hey Roy come on up for air:) ) that it's only the first big payment that 2checkout holds for 4 - 8 weeks, thereafter it's smooth sailing twice a month.

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