Need QR Code to Enter Food Store in London


HD Moderator
Staff member
Just saw on my Twitter feed, "Aldi is requiring an App and QR code in order to enter its stores.. Everything from that moment forward is monitored and tracked." That was in London. I hope this does not carry over to the United States.

QR Code Required
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This will absolutely carry over to the US and already does. Walgreens recently introduced a store in which you have to pre-pay for most items before you get to even see them.

Judging by countless videos I've watched on Twitter in the last few weeks alone when people ravage through stores and run away, this is the only protection corporations will be forced to use more of.
Walgreens recently introduced
In CHICAGO, no less . Not terribly surprised there.

Honestly, with the garbage going on in the US, stores are absolutely going to either implement this, or just shut down, and who can blame them. Shoplifters are not arrested, and if they are, they're just let go. No court date, nothing. Prosecutors don't bother

It's not a good time in the US to own a retail business, of any kind :(

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