
HD Moderator
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Your thoughts?

NVMe can run in SATA mode and some providers will advertise their NVMe solutions without telling you whether their drives are PCIe based or SATA based. There is a difference, and if you’re shopping for performance-based solutions, this is a query you should ask of potential web hosting providers.

For what applications would you recommend PCIe NVMe?
NVMe can run in SATA mode and some providers will advertise their NVMe solutions without telling you whether their drives are PCIe based or SATA based

Aren't these two - NVMe designed to run on PCIe and SATA - slightly different technologies?

Mostly database operations benefit from fast storage, but performance increase is to be expected for many types of applications also.
Looks like they may be setting it to SATA to save on hardware wear out? Since it's limited to 540MB/s like high end SSDs are right?
Granted NVMe is now our primary storage offering; as the pricing difference over SSD's is alot more friendly than it was a few years ago so makes sense for us on new deployments.

But we are seeing a general uptake in NVMe being requested as well as being used for multiple different scenarios. The IOP's and pure throughput really are leaps ahead of SATA SSD's.
PCIe NVMe work great for everything. The cost of them has really come down recently. They work extremely well for hosting VMs because you get so much IOPS.

About 5yrs ago we pretty much pushed HDD out the window and went with 100% SSDs. Fast forward to 2023, all newer servers come with PCIe NVME standard now. We still do HDD by request, SSD is large enough to handle most clients needs these days.

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