Does Your Reseller Account Offer Backups?


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Dose your host provide daily/weekly/monthly back ups.?

How important is it really to have back ups?

Are Backups being provided free of charge? If so How much Storage.

What are the chances that a hard drive will fail? has it ever happen to you?
It's understanding a situation and knowing how to deal with it. Topics like this should be brought up once in a while to allow anyone offering hosting to help improve there services.
Backups are the most important thing. I have remote and local backups weekly on a remote server in another datacenter and daily backups on local for easy of use. Id highly recommend even just getting a small vps just for backups.
Yes no matter how frequent the server side backups are, it is always advisable to create local backups for the domains frequently.
Yeah, I find that it is best to keep your own backups as well. However trustworthy the host is, it just makes me feel better knowing I have a copy of my site locally as well :)
The most important thing is to have local backups on incremental basis rather than depending upon the hosting provider to avoid any last moment hastles.
Backups are very important, there is no excuse to not have your own unless you really don't care about your site at all. To echo what has already been said by others, do not rely on your web host for backups. While quite a few hosts do backups, things can happen like a backup getting over written AFTER you notice something is wrong etc.

A hard drive can fail, its truly a matter of time. Be prepared for it. Backup.

We backup on the safe side to an off-site data center on RAID servers for extra redundancy but still advise our clients to perform their own as well.
More the backups the better.
For my personal sites, I backup my sites myself as well as choose hosts that do backups on a regular basis.
The host does the backups free of charge (do hosts charge for backups ?)
One of our web hosting providers backs up an image of our server to both New York & London. The reseller account we hold backsup nightly; however, its for their purpose and the third provider does no backups.

I would always recommend remote backups no matter what type of site or what type of provider. Everyone has problems some time or another.
More the backups the better.
For my personal sites, I backup my sites myself as well as choose hosts that do backups on a regular basis.
The host does the backups free of charge (do hosts charge for backups ?)

I'd rather support approach like yours. But at the same time to not overpay for the backups with no serious reason for that.
I'd rather support approach like yours. But at the same time to not overpay for the backups with no serious reason for that.

In my personal opininon, you can never over pay for a solid backup plan. I know from my business standpoint that our website alone was over $5,000.00, our content writing was around $2,000.00, and SEO was another $3,000.00. Now we do local backups, our providers do backups,a nd then we do a remote offsite backup. Is $20.00 - $50.00/month in additional bacups worth it? Its worth every penny to us.

I guess it just depends on how much you value your work or the money you invested in your sites. I know if we were to lose everything and not have backups that our losses would be in the $100k range.
In my personal opininon, you can never over pay for a solid backup plan. I know from my business standpoint that our website alone was over $5,000.00, our content writing was around $2,000.00, and SEO was another $3,000.00. Now we do local backups, our providers do backups,a nd then we do a remote offsite backup. Is $20.00 - $50.00/month in additional bacups worth it? Its worth every penny to us.

I guess it just depends on how much you value your work or the money you invested in your sites. I know if we were to lose everything and not have backups that our losses would be in the $100k range.

Yes, it does depend on how much you value your work.
What I mentioned was for my personal sites.
In those cases, if I were to lose everything and didn't have a backup, I'd just shrug and create a new website - and at the end, I'd probably say it was for the best as I got rid of all the junk I might have accumulated in my hosting directory and gave my website a face lift in the process.

On the other hand, running a business website in this way is begging for a huge disaster :)
$20.00 - $50.00/month is indeed a very small amount to pay for peace of mind in this case.
Yes, it does depend on how much you value your work.
What I mentioned was for my personal sites.
In those cases, if I were to lose everything and didn't have a backup, I'd just shrug and create a new website - and at the end, I'd probably say it was for the best as I got rid of all the junk I might have accumulated in my hosting directory and gave my website a face lift in the process.

On the other hand, running a business website in this way is begging for a huge disaster :)
$20.00 - $50.00/month is indeed a very small amount to pay for peace of mind in this case.

In regards to personal sites, your probably right. I know that I back up my stuff whether its personl or business because I have a tendancy to accidently delete files because I think they are not needed anymore. Guess what? They are.
In regards to personal sites, your probably right. I know that I back up my stuff whether its personl or business because I have a tendancy to accidently delete files because I think they are not needed anymore. Guess what? They are.

lol. I guess everyone has been in that situation :)
I understand your point and agree.
Yes, backups are 100% essential.

All of my clients receive daily, weekly and monthly backups - This is an automated feature of WHM & cPanel.

i also conduct FULL server backups daily.
I saw someone say even though if you host does nightly backups you should also do a back up your self.

I 100% Agree with this. Many host dont backup nightly! So watch out.

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