Is a File Manager vital?


New member
Since FTP programs can do the job more quickly and with more versatility, do you think it is important for a web host to offer a File Manager for uploading/downloading within the control panel?
Yes, people expect it to be there even if they don't use it often or even at all.

Are you designing something custom? Because, I haven't seen a web hosting control panel without a file manager.
If web hosts are providing "File Manager" option in control panel then it is good. No need to connect to your server via FTP for making changes to your site. Hence, changes become very easy.
I think it is important for a web hosting to offer a File Manager for uploading/downloading within the control panel.Sometimes you want to make changes quickly you don't
need to connect to your server via FTP if web hosting offer a File Manger,you can do this via File Manager.
you know I been that way to lately. Plus I don't mind the cPanel file manager anyways.

I have been having a designer working on the sites. Instead of accidently ftping up an entire site that he just modified, I decided to stick with the file manager for now. For big uploads, there are no doubt I go with ftp. However, when I upload lets say a zip for a software program now that you can extract , move it, and set permissions on it all with a few clicks. It is so much easier then using FTP + SSH to accomplish it.
For the few sites I work on from time to time the file manager comes in handy. Example a client had a new upgrade wipe out their logo on a forum upgrade (replaced with the forum's logo) a quick upload/overwrite with the file manager and they were back to normal-whole thing less than 5 min.
It makes it much easier to help people out with little things like that where FTP isn't needed.
Also I like cPanel's new file manager because people can see their files in a "Windows-like" tree structure that looks familiar, for newbies I find they understand it better and it's lowered support issues in that area.

A professional designer will always just jump into FTP and do their thing but a lot of clients don't have a designer or at least one at the "pro" level.
I think it is important for a web hosting to offer a File Manager for uploading/downloading within the control panel.Sometimes you want to make changes quickly you don't
need to connect to your server via FTP if web hosting offer a File Manger,you can do this via File Manager.

It is a good statement:agree:. It is important to have File Manager as it can do the work easily. FTP also can be used along with File Manager if you wish. But it is good to have File Manager to operate in c-panel.:thumbup:
Many of the FTP managers don't offer features like archive uncompression. And this feature is vital if you are doing often manual installations of software or transfering lots of small files for some other purposes. File manager is of help here because it can speed up the process, especially if host is located far away from you (geographically).
Definitely, many of our clients actively use file manager over FTP, in fact I find myself using it occasionally as well.

I find it handy when I am mobile, something happens and I get onto a forgien computer without the proper tools or security to make quick changes or corrections. It's quite handy.
Providing a file manager in control panel is equally important. Yes, FTP does ease your work when it comes to quick changes. However, even the file manager in the control panel provided by most of these hosts are very useful in uploading files quicker.

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