using whois as a back link tool


New member
What do you think about integrating the whois tool on a web hosting platform. I just discovered this strategy and i want to know what is your opinion.

How Google see it?

Thank you
In what way would it be used as a backlink tool though?

I am not sure if i can explain well the process.

My idea is that they take the domains from a web directory maybe powered by them and they ask a back-link and then they make a 301 redirect.

I hope i don't sound as paranoia.
I think I know what Rohost is talking about. Sometimes while checking out the link popularity of the websites, you may find some Whois related pages, generated on some portals and since the pages are fixed and static, so Google has decided to index the pages. Of course such links are not going to be very strong, but anyway they would remain on the web since are on some static pages.

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