Is a newsletter a good tool?


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I know a lot of sites - even startups - will have a place to subscribe to an email newsletter. Have you tried this as a marketing tool? Is it effective?
I haven't tried this personally yet. I'm still building up my email list. But I know this works because this is what my mentors have been doing.
A newsletter is your means for getting your audience hooked to your site. That's where you mention exciting developments in your products or your promos. Such a medium can only be good.

But you've got to be consistent. When you say weekly, then do so weekly. Otherwise, your audience would think you're just playing around.
Newsletters should be considered a vital tool of ANY business. You've already done all the hard work of getting the visitor to your site! There have been multiple studies done over the years about the value of repeat business and how much cheaper it is to get a current customer (or previous customer) to repurchase merchandise.

Upselling your products to existing customers should be something done on a somewhat regular basis. We send out our notices each month of things that have happened, things to watch out for, and any specials that we have going on.

If you're not already marketing to your existing client base, you need to!
If you are running a business like web hosting which involves having constant touch and interaction with your clients, why not adding a cool newsletter system to your site and sending out fresh updates to them on a weekly or monthly basis. The big companies are already doing this and outcomes are always great, even helping the older customers renewing their hosting accounts.
I agree with many people above. Newsletters are a must if you want to reap the benefits of your current client base. Don't make a mistake and avoid this step.
I know a lot of sites - even startups - will have a place to subscribe to an email newsletter. Have you tried this as a marketing tool? Is it effective?

I have not tried it myself but you can see a lot of people trying this technique on their sites, must be quite effective for them to consider it. Depends which type of site you have and what type of affiliate program you have, if any.
Its a great way to let your customers know any special offers you are running or new products you launch. Mailchimp is a good way to start as they have templates and a good free package to get started
a newsletter is one of the best things you could do to have a long-term income, once you have you email list you'll have more chances to sell your products directly than having to sweet talk people into it
I haven't try at as you can have problems with the hosting company and the email can be caught in the spam filters.
Still I think growing an account on social sites and placing there some news will do better then sending emails.
I agree with the most posts on this thread, but I think that you should know that there is a very big difference between newsletter and SPAM.
Newseltter can bring you customers and let your company look more professionnal, but you need to be sure that your newsletter susbscribers WANT to have news from you and can unsubscribe as easy as they subscribed.
I know a lot of sites - even startups - will have a place to subscribe to an email newsletter. Have you tried this as a marketing tool? Is it effective?

Hi. Newsletter has become a very popular marketing tool for business. You should give it a try. You can take a look Comm100 Email Marketing Software. It is free and easy to use. There are many in-build templates to choose from. You can get statistical reports that tell you who read and respond to your emails.
Hi all,

I have just started venturing into this industry so I will need a lot of pointers from you all, do guide me along thank you. :)

In my case, I am still in the primary stage of getting clients but I do have a customer database to which I have access to.

So the question is, is a newsletter also a good tool for me as well?

Or do I have to consider other alternatives as well?

Do give me your valuable comments thanks!


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