Please Give An Honest Opinion On My Website!


New member
Hi guys,

This is my web hosting website,
May you please review it, and give me constructive criticism. I'd really appreciate it.

Do you agree with my current ideas, if yes, please go into further detail!
1. Change font on website (but to what font? Any ideas?)
2. Put customer vouches, reviews on website.
3. Put a video on the website, summarising the business.

Thank you very much for your future feedback, best wishes to all :)
Great design. My opinions:

1) Font really needs to be changed, it looks unprofessional. Change it to a google font like Open Sans, or to a system font like Segoe UI (something more modern, metro looking)

2) Vouches are really needed for starting off, or to get the attention of customers. Its up to you if you will offer it or not though.

3) Video is really not required, but it adds to the layout.

Overall, nice work :)
Change your font, currently its hard to read

A voucher is a good thing,

alkso may i suggest having a dropdown meanu on your top nav bar rather as this will allow users to choser the page that want rather than having to scroll down to the bottom of your page.

I would change the font as people have mentioned.

I personally wouldn't recommend putting a video on - adds to your sites loading time and if not done properly can look unprofessional.

I would also reconsider your plans - I believe that 120GB for $5 is not sustainable in the long run.

Here are my comments/suggestions:

1. Don't use https for the entire site, use only https when there is an authentication or needs to secure a page, like registration, payment, logging in, etc...

2. On the navigation above, it's better to put a drop down menu so you don't have to dig deeper just to go in one product/services.

3. Customized the design of your WHMCS the look and feel same as your website.

4. Put more details/info on your Knowledgebase (KB).

I think thats what I notice initially...

he says he is connected by level 3 and cogent.

which i know will not alloow warez or nulled scripts.

also his details in whois are hidden and he had failed to implement any of our suggestions which he asked for

Additional thing, when you click order now, it should redirect you to the ordering page not to the services page, then when you click learn more it should direct you to the services page instead of about us.


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