Please : Sign Our Open Internet and Freedom Petition


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Hello dear friends of Hosting Discussion! As we are all aware, the takedown of has been receiving an extensive range of international attention.

I wanted to bring to your attention that myself, John King (19) and Steven Dimock (26) have created a website, which acts as an online petition. We are asking users to give their digital signature as a way to show support for our rights to have a free and open internet.
Out of curiosity, could you guys help us expand the publicity of by presenting this website somewhere on the HS website? As a people of the United States of America, we are striving to show our government that we cannot be bullied with Gorilla tactics that would be considered unconstitutional if fronted by anyone else other than the US Government. also believes that those who have had legitimate accounts on Mega Upload get granted access to their personal and legal fines. I myself as a company owner have files that I secured using the MU services as well.

Thank you for considering helping us front our message, its only with supporters like you we can make ourselves heard.
John King

P.S. Thank you users for your support in this movement! Our goal is to have over 5 Million signatures by the end of the year. Only you can make this possible, so please share with your community.
so you have setup a petition to bring back a site that was taken down (DMCA) for copyright and illegal activity actions.

a DMCA is their to protect copyright owners ands if a site is constantly breaching copyright laws and also involved in illegal activites then it should be taken down
how would this happen as a DMCA takedown would mean the site removed from the server taking all files etc with it.

as was involved in illegal activity then they paid the price and it is a shame genuine users lost everything, but theirs will be nothing that can be done
Ok, so I guess that Rapisahre, Filsonic, Wupload, Hotfile, Fileserve, and Upload should all be taken down too. How about we throw in Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter? Everyone has users uploading illegal content. What counts is the fact that the company works on removing the content. MegaUpload always responded respectfully to reported copyrighted links. So does RS, and other companies. Also, dont tell me that the company should search every file every day beause you know as well as I do that would be impossible. Scanning 100 million users files would be impossible.
All of those companies you mention have had to adjust their TOS.
Please don't come here and try to convince us that MegaUpload is some sort of innocent victim in all of this. The owners made millions on illegal activity.

Your petition is a waste of time.
If you want your files back you will have to wait to see if they decide to filter through all of the illegal files in order to release the legal ones.

This is about due diligence. If you have important files you should research the company you are uploading them to.
Ok, so I guess that Rapisahre, Filsonic, Wupload, Hotfile, Fileserve, and Upload should all be taken down too. How about we throw in Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter? Everyone has users uploading illegal content. What counts is the fact that the company works on removing the content. MegaUpload always responded respectfully to reported copyrighted links. So does RS, and other companies. Also, dont tell me that the company should search every file every day beause you know as well as I do that would be impossible. Scanning 100 million users files would be impossible.

so why has MegaUpload been taken down by the FBI. the FBI do not get involved unless it is something serious.

also the law is getting stricter with piracy etc.
-_- man, really? Sometimes I wish those who act like you were in the position of Dotcom.

you come on a public forum with a so called petition to get files back from a company that was closed down by the FBI for illegal activities and dont like it when you are told that your petition is a waste of time.

Contact the FBI and ask them for your files
Im not asking anyone on this forum to give the files back, maybe you have misread my post :). (It happens). All I am asking is for a group of people to stand together that believe that steps must be taken before an initial take down. Instead of just DDOS'ing the crap out of the website because you think you own the world ;)
Im not asking anyone on this forum to give the files back, maybe you have misread my post :). (It happens). All I am asking is for a group of people to stand together that believe that steps must be taken before an initial take down. Instead of just DDOS'ing the crap out of the website because you think you own the world ;)

no you misread me you are on a public forum asking people to sign a petition so the FBI can reinstate a site taken down for illegal activities so its userrs can get their files back

All I am asking is for a group of people to stand together that believe that steps must be taken before an initial take down.

so what you wanted was the FBI to give a warning they were taking the site down so that all the ILEGAL stuff could be removed beforehand.

i think i will report your petiton site to the FBI as part of their investigation as to me it seems you are angry because they took one of your sites down for illegal activity.
Actually, I agree with the take down of Megaupload, I never said that I did not agree with it. If they are doing malicious acts, they should be taken care of.

The Petition = To help get access to our accounts that have LEGAL files which we rightly and constitutionally own. There is no way megaupload could delete every illegal file in the database hence the fact there are millions of files on their network.

Also, the Government did not follow protocol to the take down which is why we are encouraging a standup. We are not standing up for the illegal actions of MU, we are standing up for the LEGAL files that each individual rightly owns. I doubt we will ever get access to them again.
well no one will get their hands on any files until the FBI have gone through every file.

all megaload had to do if they owned the server the site was on would of just needed to hit the terminate button to terminate the megaload site and this would of deleted everything off the server ( the site and all files/folders etc.) so a warning would not have been given, so they did not have had the chance to do this.

and any federal organisation can close down a site/business without any notice.
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All Ill say is, deleting every illegal file is not as easy as you think. I doubt they reg-ionized files that were pirated in their network.
All Ill say is, deleting every illegal file is not as easy as you think. I doubt they reg-ionized files that were pirated in their network.

so if you are a host and you terminate a clients hosting account do you still keep the files/site on your server.

if a site gets terminated then everything contained on the server under that domain/site is deleted/terminated.

the FBI would have taken the site down by taking several backups of the whole server/ sites, then placed that notice and an index page. they will then assign agents etc to go through every single file that was oin the megaload site to determine which are illegal and which are genuine. they will also have the account details of every account holde4r on the magaload site. once they have all the illegal content then i dare say they will contact users about their genuine files
-_- man, really? Sometimes I wish those who act like you were in the position of Dotcom.

Actually, I agree with the take down of Megaupload, I never said that I did not agree with it. If they are doing malicious acts, they should be taken care of.

Man really?
Somtimes I wish people would quit the BS and stop wasting board space with this kind of crap.
You wish I was facing the trials and tribulations of the person who is the offender in this case and they you claim to agree with his take down.

Are you a hypocrite or are you just profoundly confused on what is actually going on here?
Think what you want :) Its a Free Country <--- :O

have you ever thought of contacted the FBI and asking if you could have your files, or are you hoping that this petition will make them overturn their decision and have the site up again so you can retrieve your files before they fine them.

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