Problems with WHMCS and PHP


New member
Ever since this WordPress 3.51 update back in January, we have had problems with WHMCS, I am using 5.03. I do not own the copy, it is leased so updates come a little slow.

Something happen last month where WHMCS quit processing the payment gateways, a client advised me of this. It seems it would hang at the point of connection and go into a continual loop of pinging the gateway but instead of connecting, it would disconnect and reconnect, continually...weirdest thing I saw. I asked the provider to look at and after 24 hours where they had no luck, I figured out the problems was WHMCS did not like the way it was embedded. If I ran it outside the main site but still within the root directory for SSL, well no problem, it would connect up to the payment gateways etc just like it should. SO I did that, made a few adjustments, made a few links, and went back to business.

Well over the next few weeks I started experimenting with various integration / bridge modules to see if I could bring the site back into the "fold" so to speak. I mean it looked OK as it was, but just OK. It wasn't how I wanted it. However everything I tried kept giving me fatal php errors in the various lines of code in the integration modules. When I ask the coders of these modules why, they would always come back with something it wasn't. I tried a bunch of different things and it led me to believe it was a problem in my Apache server, however I run other files with php calls, includes, you name it and they purr right along like they should. I even wrote some test scripts up and everything was fine.

So today I said to heck with this let's apply the KISS method to it (Keep it simple stupid), since a simple php include in the header or footer using smarty doesn't work, I did it by what I call the "hillbilly website way" make the header and footer graphic, code it in HTML and map out hotspots for links. Put it in the header.tpl prior to the whmcs script and the footer.tpl afterwords.

Well it worked, sort of. Now I am telling you all this not to increase traffic to the site, thank you, but in case you cruise by and click on the "Client Portal" you will see a difference from the main site footer to the footer I made in WHMCS. I could not map out the graphic with hotspots like I did the header. It seemed they wouldn't resize correctly and stay in one spot for some reason.

Now understand I am not a coder, I know how to do things and usually can figure them out if i stay at it long enough. I mean I learned code in University when it had names like Fortran, Cobal and Unix and was done with punchcards. I got my CNE when Novell 2.0 was Top of the charts so to speak. So things take a little longer sometimes.

Any advice though I would appreciate it.

Thanks, I'm going to do that - btw have you heard about any problems with integration of WP and WHMCS like I described before?
Yes, but I think I got a line on a something that might be the the PHP install possibly in the mbstring function
Yes, but I think I got a line on a something that might be the the PHP install possibly in the mbstring function

Did you change something in your header?Maybe is this problem:


User Redirected to Wrong Page on Checkout

If you have customised your WHMCS header template and added or removed a form, you will need to update the forwardpage.tpl template file which by default will submit form 0 or 1 on the page - if you add a form to your header need to add 1 to the forms[x] setting in that file, if you remove one, you need to subtract 1

Do you have any logs "Billing > Gateway Log"?

There was an issue with payment gateways in one of the recent updates from WHMCS if I recall correct. They did send out an update shortly afterwards.

Even if you got your WHMCS from another part, I think you can download updates from WHMCS direct.

Atleast it has worked before. Combining Wordpress and WHMC isn't easy, since both are using templates split into multiple files. It is easy to have open tags or even closing them to early :)

Good luck with your integration!

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