Just for fun?


New member
Have you ever registered a domain name just for fun? The domain registration cost is pretty low today, so that some people would have no issue registering a domain name without any idea about what they will use to domain for.
I am pretty sure people do register domains just for fun. some people own many domains that are just parked they usally register it because they liked the name or had a business / idea to start something dealing with it and most likely they aren't using the domain because they have no time cuz they are working on many other projects..

there are also some people who purchase domains rare or simple and resell them / auction them off online. sometimes they make great money
Yes I buy domains everytime the price is right and I always find a use for them eventually. If nothing else good to put monetized sites on to try and bring in some extra revenue.
Yes there are many people who register domain name for fun also there other people who register cool domain name and sell them for higher price.
I have not actually done that. Although I remember having a domain in my cart at name.com for a month or so and it got register. I actually wanted that domain too. I was upset about it at first.
oh yes, way to many times ...

lucky me I have been able to sell on the most part of the ones I didn't need/wanted.

That way I ended up not "loosing" that much money :)
whats the point in spending $10 on a domain for fun, when that $10 can be used as part of the renewal fees of your main domain.

I only register a domain if i have a project for that domain. if i need a quick domain for a limited project/marketing campaign then i will get a cheap $1/$2 .info domain that suits the campaign.
whats the point in spending $10 on a domain for fun, when that $10 can be used as part of the renewal fees of your main domain.

The times I've bought a domain "for fun" it's often after a discussion about some random topic and this crazy idea pops up and in that heat of the moment I uy the domain instead of writing the idea down.

Stupid, oh yes :) but that's how I work sometimes.

For the record, I have one (1) domain left that I bought "for fun" since it words that often blocked by url filters :devil:
I don't see the harm in it. I'm sure there are people out there who "collect" domain names the way others collect stamps. Besides, you never know if it might be a hot name in the future that other people will want to pay top dollar for. Stranger things have happened.
I have a few times, not work related of course but two of them did end up selling for a good price and I am okay with that. For something that started out as a joke, free profit is never a bad thing!

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