Wow, I'm finally back!


New member
Hey all.. it has been over 6+ years since I've last visited this website, and probably even longer since I've been really 'active' here.

I was around near the very beginning of this website (under a different name) and I was active here for many years..

Still very active with web work and websites, host a few clients.. debating on branching back into hosting or not.

Not sure if any of my friends are still around here, if you are great!! If not, I look forward to meeting some new friends.

I was just in Halifax and also visiting clients in Digby and the Valley.
I have a friend opening a new restaurant in the city on Barrington that has been using me as a consultant.
Hi Gordy! Another member from 2003 here. )

So nice of you to have made the comeback! What a nice surprise to reconnect with members who have been around for so long. From some of your posts I think that it is possible (and correct me if I am wrong) that you were a member of HostingRefuge, a hosting community owned by Matthew (who was one of our leaders here as well). HostingDiscussion acquired his forum in November of 2007, just about a year after your last post prior to your leave in 2006. Anyway, that's what my little investigative work has led me to. :)

Regardless, I am extremely happy to see you come back. It will be awesome to have another fellow Canadian around.

I hope you enjoy the community, while you are deciding whether to return into the hosting business full time.

If you require assistance or need anything, feel free to contact me directly.

Welcome back!

That is a long time to be a part of this community! Great to see you decided to become more active again. :)
Is he still around?

Do you mean Matthew? I believe he's quit long time ago, even prior to the merge of the communities. He's made a great effort to come back by being one the leaders here, but I think other responsibilities have shifted his priorities to other things in life. It happens. :)

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