Adult content


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Here's something I'm interested in knowing. Would you accept a customer who was hosting adult content? Assuming, that is, that the content is effectively legal and you have no moral objection.

What are the pros and cons? Are they a magnet for random attacks or do they tend to just use up all the resources and then move on?

It's not really something I've come across and I'm curious what other people's take is.
The main problem is that in the most countries this is forbidden with a wall. That is why the hosting companies does not allow such content
There are special forums for such hosters, where they post their requirements and providers, able to satisfy their needs, post their offers. Topics like that are nearly never discussed on forums like this.

Usually, provider is held responsible for adult content hosted. If you are eager to have 50+ legal&abuse cases a day - welcome to the club!
Topics like that are nearly never discussed on forums like this

"forms like this"... ??? I'm asking about if somebody would or wouldn't take on a customer hosting adult content and why... I didn't think it was out of bounds.
Here's something I'm interested in knowing. Would you accept a customer who was hosting adult content? Assuming, that is, that the content is effectively legal and you have no moral objection.

What are the pros and cons? Are they a magnet for random attacks or do they tend to just use up all the resources and then move on?

It's not really something I've come across and I'm curious what other people's take is.

Providing that it's legal content, and they pay their server bills such a customer would be ok, I would probably have them use a dedicated server or VPS rather than using regular hosting, because some adult sites use a lot of resources for streaming vids and uploading content etc...
depends on adult content.

an ecommerce site selling lingerie and sex aids is adult content and is fine.

a site offering sex or porn is adult content which most hosts will not allow, this is why most of these sites are hosted with offshore hosts
I've hosted a few different adult content websites over the years, and honestly I've never had any good from them. You'll get complaints for various reasons to either you, or your datacenter.

Also, if the content can be user uploaded you've always got to be aware of any illegal content that may be put onto your servers. For example, a user that is hosting an adult website offers user uploads, a user then uploads something with underage individuals.. That's just a recipe for disaster, but guess who's server its on....

Stuff happens all the time with adult websites, you're going to have a lot of malware on them usually, as well as bloatware and different kind of pop ups that can give visitors a nasty trip. Overall, I would not allow your servers to be hosting any form of adult content, other than lingerie etc, as easyhostmedia stated.
Hosts tend to stay away from adult websites for the mentioned reasons above. Largely similar reasoning goes for gambling and warez type websites. That does create a niche for hosts offering exactly those type of services. Users seeking such a service would have it easier to find such a host as there are not so many, however its quite a risky venture as there is scarce information about their reliability and handling different types of complaints that their clients would most probably be facing ;)
I've hosted a few different adult content websites over the years, and honestly I've never had any good from them. You'll get complaints for various reasons to either you, or your datacenter.

Also, if the content can be user uploaded you've always got to be aware of any illegal content that may be put onto your servers. For example, a user that is hosting an adult website offers user uploads, a user then uploads something with underage individuals.. That's just a recipe for disaster, but guess who's server its on....

Stuff happens all the time with adult websites, you're going to have a lot of malware on them usually, as well as bloatware and different kind of pop ups that can give visitors a nasty trip. Overall, I would not allow your servers to be hosting any form of adult content, other than lingerie etc, as easyhostmedia stated.

Sorry to hear adult hosting has been an issue for you.

We allow adult hosting and in most cases it is working fine for us. As long as the content is legal it should be fine. In your case of user uploaded content this can easily become an issue, though, as long as it is monitored correctly by the client then we will be happy to accommodate them.
Sorry to hear adult hosting has been an issue for you.

We allow adult hosting and in most cases it is working fine for us. As long as the content is legal it should be fine. In your case of user uploaded content this can easily become an issue, though, as long as it is monitored correctly by the client then we will be happy to accommodate them.

The issue with relying on the client to monitor every single video uploaded by the users/viewers is, when a website gets big enough, something can very easily escape the cracks. I've owned social networking websites where something that isn't allowed is posted and I not realize it for days/weeks because of all the other new posts coming into play. As for videos, you never know when someone is going to upload something, and when that video will be seen.

It's a safer route to avoid the problems altogether. That being said however, I have had websites of this nature never cause any issues, but the general of them caused issues, so I no longer allow it on my servers. I am glad to hear of everything working well for you, keep it up. :)
Sorry to hear adult hosting has been an issue for you.

We allow adult hosting and in most cases it is working fine for us. As long as the content is legal it should be fine. In your case of user uploaded content this can easily become an issue, though, as long as it is monitored correctly by the client then we will be happy to accommodate them.

the fact is allowing client to monitor this will never wash with any datacenter as they will take down the server if they see fit as what goes on the server is your responsibility.

If you check with most Datacenters they will have in their TOS they adults sites are not allowed etc.

This is why most of these sites are hosted with offshore hosts
the fact is allowing client to monitor this will never wash with any datacenter as they will take down the server if they see fit as what goes on the server is your responsibility.

If you check with most Datacenters they will have in their TOS they adults sites are not allowed etc.

This is why most of these sites are hosted with offshore hosts

Legal adult content is accepted in all of the datacenters we use. We don't have issues accepting such content and any abuse reports we do get is promptly taken care of be it adult content or not.
I know Holland allows almost everything related to adult content. It's a liberal country, if you know what I mean.
I know Holland allows almost everything related to adult content. It's a liberal country, if you know what I mean.

It depends on the datacenters. i have 2 servers in Dutch Datacenters and they are very restrictive on what adult content they will allow to be hosted.
Yeah, but I'm speaking about Dutch law. Which datacenters are you using?

yes Dutch laws are more conservative, but DC's still restrict adult content this is why most adult sites use offshore hosts

i have servers in

Amsterdam IBXs: AM1
yes Dutch laws are more conservative, but DC's still restrict adult content this is why most adult sites use offshore hosts

i have servers in

Amsterdam IBXs: AM1

Interesting, the owner of Serverius has personally told us that adult content is permitted. I will ask again to avoid any confusion.
Interesting, the owner of Serverius has personally told us that adult content is permitted. I will ask again to avoid any confusion.

I have a client who ordered a VPS to host his photography business, so i stuck him on a server that was hosted through Serverius and in this clients portfolio was some shots of children in swimsuits that he took for a department stores website and catalogue along with some adult topless and nude shots and i found his server suspended because of these shots. i have to find another provider for him.
As long as it is legal, it's fine with us. Have in mind that even the user uploaded content get's verified or deleted before going public by the client's admins, so we did't have any legal isues.
there may be legal issues...

some countries may blacklist the ips and the total hosting service.

but some offshore providers does.

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