Cpanel 11.46 and Frontpage


Well-known member
Just in the event some of you never removed the FrontPage extensions in Cpanel, it's now being forced by WHM refusing to update with it enabled. You should probably check in WHM for the warning and get those removed (finally). :thumbup:

fatal: The server cannot upgrade to cPanel & WHM version 11.46 because Microsoft® FrontPage® is installed. Use WHM's Uninstall FrontPage Extensions interface (Home >> FrontPage >> Uninstall FrontPage Extensions) to remove FrontPage.
Frontpage is very obsolete! It belongs to more than 12 years ago. Nobody uses it to publish his/her site. Its a long time that cPanel does not support frontpage. You should have already been disabled it. Are you running very old version of cPanel?
Frontpage is very obsolete! It belongs to more than 12 years ago. Nobody uses it to publish his/her site. Its a long time that cPanel does not support frontpage. You should have already been disabled it. Are you running very old version of cPanel?

cPanel were giving limited support until this year, thats the reason it was still available in cPanel long after MS made FrontPage Extensions EOL in 2006.

This does not stop anyone using frontpage to make or amend HTML sites, all it means that you wont be able to make forms etc. in frontpage as without frontpage extensions these wont work.

you will be surprised at how many people still use frontpage as an HTML editor
Frontpage is totally obsolete. I noticed this when performing my WHM/cPanel update as well. Noone uses frontpage forms and such anymore so it doesn't really matter.
Noone uses frontpage forms and such anymore.

Can you provide evidence to back this up, as i know many that still use Frontpage and use the forms. Frontpage can still be used as a basic HTML editor, just some features like forms wont work if published

There would be hardly anyone left using this feature in the cPanel. cPanel itself gives a warning when security advisor is hit to scan the security. Mostly, because of vulnerabilities in it.

There would be hardly anyone left using this feature in the cPanel. cPanel itself gives a warning when security advisor is hit to scan the security. Mostly, because of vulnerabilities in it.

It was widely used, that's why cPanel kept it after MS ended it, but cPanel announced 12 months ago that they would be removing this, but never gave any ETA when they would do this, but to give enough time for users to find and active alternatives
We've also noticed this change. Had several clients contacting us asking for alternatives. I found this quite an interesting read - gives you a little more information about it for those readers who aren't 100% sure of what it is etc.

well they need their facts corrected

MS stopped FP 2003 in 2006 along with support.

cPanel continued to off this with limited support until 2014.

Frontpage itself can still be used as a basic html editor, but a lot of its built in features if used will not work if published on a live website.
You can use it but I would say at your own risk. As it dose not have up to date support on it the software is now being abused. We stopped using last year due to this.
You can use it but I would say at your own risk. As it dose not have up to date support on it the software is now being abused. We stopped using last year due to this.

Frontpage extenstions is the one thats been abused.

what people dont understand is Frontpage and Frontpage Extensions are 2 different products.

Frontpage is a basic HTML website editor. Frontpage Extensions is a server based addon that allows some features created in Frontpage to work, so nothing stopping anyone using the basic HTML editor frontpage, but anything more than the basic features will not work once published as cPanel no longer offer Front Page Extensions.
Yep, the Frontpage extensions are whats the security risk if anything. Just turn it off. With extensions off, Frontpage is limited in for example it doesn't know what pages are updated and which ones are not so it acts like basic ftp software and uploads everything again. Forms won't work either etc. but if people are comfortable with using it and are afraid of change they will stick with it, fine.

However, even the html editor in file manager (cpanel) has become as useful as Frontpage :) It has forms now(!) and seems much more polished as where before it was buggy and not useable on certain browsers. Even undo function works :D I think letting some customers know about this basic alternative can help and maybe even help on churn...
Yep, the Frontpage extensions are whats the security risk if anything. Just turn it off. With extensions off,

well if you have WHM 11.44 or below then cpanel will keep flashing warnings to upgrade to 11.46, but if you have FP extensions enabled it wont allow this, you have top disable FP extensions and then when the upgrade to 11.46 is complete FP extensions will not longer show in your root WHM or any clients cPanel, so nothing to turn off as it wont be available any longer
We have been removing these extensions from servers the past two weeks. Fortunately no customer complaints thusfar.

you should have informed clients before hand, so if anyone was using them they had a chance to find an alternative.

When cpanel announced 12 months ago, we stopped allowing this on all packages, so new accounts would not have FP extensions enabled, we then informed our current clientbase about this and even helped a couple clients with an alternative, then when it come to the new cPanel/WHM 11.46 upgrade, we informed our clientbase again giving them 2 weeks before we upgraded.
I honestly did not realize you could even use frontpage on cpanel anymore. Its just been obsolete for so long, don't think I have ever ran into a client using it.
I honestly did not realize you could even use frontpage on cpanel anymore. Its just been obsolete for so long, don't think I have ever ran into a client using it.

Anyone can still use Frontpage as a basic HTML editor. It is FRONTPAGE EXTENSIONS that have been dropped
Do they even sell Frontpage anymore lol?

you can still download copies. i tested an old FP site i build a few years back on one of my servers and works fine. the site had no FP build in forms or used any special FP features etc. IT is only the features and forms that rely on FP extensions that will not work

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