Emails being blocked


New member
I have been with my hosting company for a few years now and been really satisfied with their service. Lately, our server has been blocked by outlook/hotmail ( for one ) for spam emails.
I send a support ticket and it seems to be unblocked for maybe a day or so, then gets blocked again.
I start checking our email reputation on, and it's POOR.
I don't have a huge reseller business but I do need my few clients to be able to send emails. I do understand that I'm on shared hosting and the billion of other accounts on our server are causing me problems. I think I may have to look for a new hosting account.

How am I going to know if I move somewhere else this isn't going to happen again?
I have been with my hosting company for a few years now and been really satisfied with their service. Lately, our server has been blocked by outlook/hotmail ( for one ) for spam emails.
I send a support ticket and it seems to be unblocked for maybe a day or so, then gets blocked again.
I start checking our email reputation on, and it's POOR.
I don't have a huge reseller business but I do need my few clients to be able to send emails. I do understand that I'm on shared hosting and the billion of other accounts on our server are causing me problems. I think I may have to look for a new hosting account.

How am I going to know if I move somewhere else this isn't going to happen again?

if using cpanel/WHM then you can restrict accounts to an hourly email limit as all it takes is a user on the server send legitimate emails to a large client list and some email servers like gmail/hotmail deem this action as spam and block the IP.

Also rather than being on a shared account why not look at getting a VPS where you have more control
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if using cpanel/WHM then you can restrict accounts to an hourly email limit as all it takes is a user on the server send legitimate emails to a large client list and some email servers like gmail/hotmail deem this action as spam and block the IP.

Also rather than being on a shared account why not look at getting a VPS where you have more control

Here's the thing ....$$$$$ lol
I got a really good deal with this reseller program. I'm really not in the hosting business as the sites I have are personal and a couple of businesses. But god forbid if I were to get a new client and they start getting bounced emails.
Here's the latest I got back from support about this issue:
"The issue with this actually is that hotmail is blocking hundreds of IPs on a network above ours and is defusing to delist them. We spend countless hours trying to delist these but hotmail ignores both our requests and our providers. I'm looking for alternative options, but note we have the same issue to deal with for our own customers, so it is really the best thing for us too to get this resolved."

Is this a fair response?
For me, I could care less about hotmail as I still use gmail for personal emails. But, one of my clients has this problem and can't respond to emails that are business related and for me, one client having this problem is one too many.

Normally I would just look for a new host but my current host has been great except for this email thing.
Here's the thing ....$$$$$ lol
I got a really good deal with this reseller program. I'm really not in the hosting business as the sites I have are personal and a couple of businesses. But god forbid if I were to get a new client and they start getting bounced emails.
Here's the latest I got back from support about this issue:
"The issue with this actually is that hotmail is blocking hundreds of IPs on a network above ours and is defusing to delist them. We spend countless hours trying to delist these but hotmail ignores both our requests and our providers. I'm looking for alternative options, but note we have the same issue to deal with for our own customers, so it is really the best thing for us too to get this resolved."

Is this a fair response?
For me, I could care less about hotmail as I still use gmail for personal emails. But, one of my clients has this problem and can't respond to emails that are business related and for me, one client having this problem is one too many.

Normally I would just look for a new host but my current host has been great except for this email thing.

but because you are using shared IPS, your host may have 1000 clients using the same IP and all it takes is 1 of them clients to be sending spam and this will affect all clients using the IP. The only way a mail service such as Hotmail refuses to delist IPs is that someone on the server is spamming and the host is not doing anything to stop this, so mail services wont spend their time and money delisting IPs just for the spam to continue.
If i were you i would find a new host that takes action against spammers, no good getting a good deal on a reseller plan if you cannot send emails when you want too
There are a couple options as discussed earlier:-

1) Migrate all websites to VPS
2) Ask the hosting provider to migrate your reseller hosting to another server IP which has the good reputation in terms of email sending.
3) Move to another host.
I am confused.
you have in your profile the URL, but according too it says ' is for sale!'

Sorry that was an old domain. I updated my profile. It's been a while since I've been on here. I only come here to whine lol

I'm looking in to getting a dedicated IP.
All the advice here has been great.

As I side note, I looked into another hosting service and sent an email with some questions. It's been 3 days and nothing. Not sure how these people run businesses.
As I side note, I looked into another hosting service and sent an email with some questions. It's been 3 days and nothing. Not sure how these people run businesses.

If they have not replied in 3 days then i would forget about them as even a 1 man band would be quicker if they cared about their business.
If they have not replied in 3 days then i would forget about them as even a 1 man band would be quicker if they cared about their business.

I agree. It's really sad when people may never know business they have lost.

On a brighter note, I'm just waiting for my dedicated IP to be set up. I would really hate to leave who I'm with because the service has been really great.
I agree. It's really sad when people may never know business they have lost.

Its just their lose, I am a one man band, i never advertise 24/7 live support, but as i am at PC from approx. 8am til midnight most days i answer queries within minutes or first thing the following morning.

I would never leave anything unanswered for 1 day let alone 3 days
I would suggest to apply the proper security on your server as well as it 's best to move the service from reseller sever to your own VPS. Also, it is best to have the only email hosting service on the other server which will just run the emails.

It's always in your hand to maintain the IP reputation of the IP address. Make sure to configure the exim properly to avoid the issue.
On my servers i always get at least 3 IPs

2 for the nameservers and 1 i set up as the mailserver IP and i use to monitor these

I use this script with the alot of lists

# -- $Id: blcheck.xml,v 1.8 2007/06/17 23:38:00 j65nko Exp $ --

# Check if an IP address is listed on one of the following blacklists
# The format is chosen to make it easy to add or delete
# The shell will strip multiple whitespace

# Unused RBLs



# simple shell function to show an error message and exit
#  $0  : the name of shell script, $1 is the string passed as argument
# >&2  : redirect/send the message to stderr

  echo $0 ERROR: $1 >&2
  exit 2

# -- Sanity check on parameters
[ $# -ne 1 ] && ERROR 'Please specify a single IP address'

# -- if the address consists of 4 groups of minimal 1, maximal digits, separated by '.'
# -- reverse the order
# -- if the address does not match these criteria the variable 'reverse will be empty'

reverse=$(echo $1 |
  sed -ne "s~^\([0-9]\{1,3\}\)\.\([0-9]\{1,3\}\)\.\([0-9]\{1,3\}\)\.\([0-9]\{1,3\}\)$~\4.\3.\2.\1~p")

if [ "x${reverse}" = "x" ] ; then
      ERROR  "IMHO '$1' doesn't look like a valid IP address"
      exit 1

# Assuming an IP address of as parameter or argument

# If the IP address in $0 passes our crude regular expression check,
# the variable  ${reverse} will contain
# In this case the test will be:
#   [ "x44.33.22.11" = "x" ]
# This test will fail and the program will continue

# An empty '${reverse}' means that shell argument $1 doesn't pass our simple IP address check
# In that case the test will be:
#   [ "x" = "x" ]
# This evaluates to true, so the script will call the ERROR function and quit

# -- do a reverse ( address -> name) DNS lookup
REVERSE_DNS=$(dig +short -x $1)

echo IP $1 NAME ${REVERSE_DNS:----}

# -- cycle through all the blacklists
for BL in ${BLISTS} ; do

    # print the UTC date (without linefeed)
    printf $(env TZ=UTC date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_%Z")

    # show the reversed IP and append the name of the blacklist
    printf "%-40s" " ${reverse}.${BL}."

    # use dig to lookup the name in the blacklist
    #echo "$(dig +short -t a ${reverse}.${BL}. |  tr '\n' ' ')"
    LISTED="$(dig +short -t a ${reverse}.${BL}.)"
    echo ${LISTED:----}


with a wrapper script that picks up the DirectAdmin IP address list and feeds it to the above.


echo "Spam Report $(date)" > /tmp/

for IP in $(cat /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip.list)

RIP=$(echo ${IP} | awk -F'.' '{print $4"."$3"."$2"."$1}')

/usr/local/directadmin/das/mail/ ${IP} | grep ${RIP} | grep 127.0.0 | awk '{print "'${IP}' - "$2" - "$3}' >> /tmp/


COUNT=$(wc -l /tmp/ | awk '{print $1}')

if [ ${COUNT} -ge 2 ]

/bin/mailx -s "SPAM: RBL Warning $(hostname)" < /tmp/


looks like I could have used more variables in the wrapper script, but it works very well.
While I understand the cost effectiveness of a reseller account, in your application, I'd seriously consider going with a VPS. Think of this in terms of hard and soft money. Hard money is the cost of the service itself and soft money is your time, labor and lost opportunities or clients.
I'll just clarify my position for everyone. I DON'T want to send a dime more than I have to. I'm not in the business of promoting hosting or other services. Right now I have a reseller account for $6 USD per month. If anyone has something close, feel free to let me know.

Now, I have gotten a dedicated IP ( another $3 USD per month ), which I though would be on all my reseller accounts ( 4 of them ). I'm not sure if this is going to be the case. It's on my main domain which isn't even the domain that I'm having email problems with ( because I really don't use it for sending emails ). The good thing is, hotmail emails are not bouncing back and the email reputation for the new IP is neutral.

So, did I just spend $3 that is doing me no good because it will not be applied to my reseller account?

Waiting on support.
I'll just clarify my position for everyone. I DON'T want to send a dime more than I have to. I'm not in the business of promoting hosting or other services. Right now I have a reseller account for $6 USD per month. If anyone has something close, feel free to let me know.

Now, I have gotten a dedicated IP ( another $3 USD per month ), which I though would be on all my reseller accounts ( 4 of them ). I'm not sure if this is going to be the case. It's on my main domain which isn't even the domain that I'm having email problems with ( because I really don't use it for sending emails ). The good thing is, hotmail emails are not bouncing back and the email reputation for the new IP is neutral.

So, did I just spend $3 that is doing me no good because it will not be applied to my reseller account?

Waiting on support.

A dedicated IP will be assigned to a single domain, just ask your host to assign it to the correct domain.
Final update .... I hope.
They did assign the IP to all my current sites. So things are looking up.

Emails are getting through.

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