Benefits of reseller hosting

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It is the best option when a user wants to start reselling. The server management is done by the hosting company so it will save you a lot of time. Upgrades are easy too.
The major benefit is you do not have hassles that a web hosting provider has, including the security aspects. You can start your own hosting company at low cost and allot space you want to allow the customers or your clients to have for their website. Hope you found it useful.
No server management or technical experience are the top reasons, I would say. However, having your own server is a rewarding experience, and instills more trust within your potential customers...
The first important benefits of the reseller is its low cost plan. You don’t need to spend a great deal to begin any business.

Automated tools
Inexpensive and more control.
Earn more by selling web space.
Additional options for upgradations.
Complete control over resources.
Advanced emails.

The costs of Disk Space and Bandwidth under the reseller hosting are very low.

It will offer you more element than the other essential plans.
The biggest advantage for me is although i do web design and graphic design.The client is attached to you whether he needs some graphic design a change on his website it also helps when you control their hosting plan to keepout any other web designers
Here, the main benefits of reseller hosting are:-
  • Less Expense
  • No maintenance
  • More control
  • Cost-effective
  • Adaptable
  • Authenticity
So many of the answers in this thread are so vague, that they are essentially meaningless, like this one:

Reseller hosting helps to sell hosting services and earn money online.

Surely that is the point of running any hosting business whether that means that you are administering your own servers, using a reseller account, or just throwing a load of sites on to a single account from someone else.


Really curious what you mean by this?
You can really add a lot of value to your business by reselling web hosting to clients or a customer base. Our company has several reseller clients that do really well.
Its a best option to start hosting business where you need minimum knowlegde and maintinance. It is relatively low risk investment with limited start up cost.
Surely that is the point of running any hosting business
It is the whole point of running any online or offline business. Any business has the main goal to make money wether you are online or offline in any industry as without making money you dont have a business that will last. even non-profit making businesses need to make money to plow back into the business.
Like previously mentioned..

Reseller hosting allows a customer the ability to setup and manage multiple web hosting accounts without the overhead of server management. This could be simply because you want to run several websites on independant accounts but manage them yourself, being a web developer and providing hosting to your clients or selling website hosting yourself. Most Reseller accounts allow full scalability by upgrading/downgrading between plans with different resource limits.

We started out on Reseller account and first built up a client base before moving to our own servers.
We started out on Reseller account and first built up a client base before moving to our own servers.
Yes. it is the best way to start, so that you build up a clientbase and reputation, before forking out the expense of a server etc.

I hate it when people suggest people star off on a VPS or dedicated server when they have no clients, as why commit to a large outlay without having any income.
I would rather pay $10 a month on a reseller plan with every included and build up a clientbase rather than spean upwards of $30 on a server along with $20 on control panel, $20 on client management and $20 on other software packages.
The main advantages from "reseller hosting" over regular "web hosting packages" offered by most providers is
  • The ability to operate projects/sites into their own accounts vs keeping all of it in your main account.
Comparing a "reseller hosting package" to running your own infrastructure:
  • you give up control and flexiblity
  • you depend on an additional third party for your services to work
  • in return you get a lower cost per month
There are many benefits of Reseller hosting. A few of them are as follows:
1. You may portray your business as a hosting company. Thus make money by creating websites.
2. Earn commissions in every sale.
3. You may create custom hosting plans according to your needs.
4. Run the billing cycle according to your own rates.
5. Create an independent Cpanel control panel for the clients.
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