Best Shared Hosting for $200/year ?


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Best Shared Hosting for $200/year ?

Thats my budget for the year. I know its more than I have to pay, but I do want to find the MOST I can get for up to that amount.

Id like hosting that DOESNT offer 'unlimited' bandwidth or diskspace to any of their packages.

Thanks for any leads. I hope asking isnt against the rules. I looked them over and didnt see anything.
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web77org, well it depends on what you're asking. If you're asking for companies to make an offer, then it's not against the rules, but is in the wrong forum.

If you're asking for suggestions, then you're all good.
web77org, well it depends on what you're asking. If you're asking for companies to make an offer, then it's not against the rules, but is in the wrong forum.

If you're asking for suggestions, then you're all good.

No no no....please NO actual hosting company sales pitches here :D
For clarification, if you offer hosting, please do not respond in this thread :)

Id like CUSTOMERS of said companies giving some suggestions based on their experiences with these companies.

Ive heard enough sales pitches from salesmen.
Id like to shop around for a hosting company based on what folks here who are using them for hosting think.

I should have clarified that.
I also want to clear up what Im asking for.

I dont want VOLUME, I want QUALITY.
I have volume now and frankly, it sucks.

What I 'need' are these approximately

~200GB transfer/month (Im nowhere near that yet, but Id like to have that much)
WITH the ability to throttle each site so I dont go over the 200GB limit.

-50GB+ diskspace would be sufficient for all eternity, but I want this to INCLUDE my databases if possible...meaning I dont want to find out in the small print later that my DB's are limited to 100mb or to anything less than my total diskspace overall. I understand that the DB servers are either usually or always on separate servers, but Id still like to know that Im not going to sign up and then get screwed by some small point that no one bothered to mention later on.

-php Forum & MySQL support. I use phpBB3 for all of my forums so this has to be supported.

-Tech Support. REAL tech support. So when I call I dont get some backwater hick trying to give me some nonsense that defies logic hoping that I dont have clue that he's blowing smoke up my.....

-Reasonable Uptime
- meaning the sites can be down for 24 hours a month if they have long as they arent going down 30 times a day for 5 minutes at a time all day, every day.

Anyone here using a hosting company that can give me these for $200 a month?
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