Recent content by myidealhost

  1. M

    How to install maldet

    Maldet also known as Linux Malware Detect virus scanner for Linux. There is nothing complicated in installation process. Installation via SSH cd /usr/local/src/ wget tar -xzf maldetect-current.tar.gz cd maldetect-* sh ./ or...
  2. M

    How to choose web host

    There are many things to pay attention to when starting your online business. These are: how to choose a proper domain name, what type of hosting provider to choose and where you can get the best deal. But the most important aspect of your online business is web hosting provider. It's a basis...
  3. M

    8 best places to get backlinks from

    Your online business development to a great extent depends on two things: rankings and traffic. Your site ranking and traffic are interconnected: the higher the rankings, the more traffic you get. However, getting higher rankings and traffic is not that easy. An excellent way to achieve this...