Recent content by shockym

  1. shockym

    The Newsroom

    Has anyone heard about this new show coming out on HBO? I caught a few clips, including the trailer (which is NSFW due to language) but from the looks of it, the show will be added into our collection in the DVR.
  2. shockym

    play machines

    Does anyone else bring their work home with them sometimes? I have a little itch that I want to setup another Linux machine at the house to test new stuff out and also get my kids into it (they have already showed a great deal of interest in computers in general).
  3. shockym

    Bitcoin still having issues

    We can never let the little script kiddies win, can we? I have a feeling Bitcoin is getting tired of the continual abuse but what is a host to do? We have all been there and nothing can make a geek jump up quicker than seeing this come across their servers. Anyone had recent issues similar to...
  4. shockym

    The mile long ticket run

    I am sure this happens to others as well but a great pet peeve of mine is when a client wants to cross off numerous things and continues to open the same (old) ticket. It could be a ticket from over a year ago and I have this one client who just can not get past opening a new ticket up. :shocked:
  5. shockym


    Has anyone been waiting for this to come to life and have us laughing like a barrel full of monkey's? Most times I love a good parody but for some reason this one to me is a little odd and most times I like odd things.
  6. shockym

    Cutting a reseller

    How often does anyone here have to cut a reseller off when they are not paying? I am wondering if it makes it any different compared to a non-reseller. Is a non-paying client reseller or not liable to the same terminations?
  7. shockym

    cPanel will never be the same

    Does that sound bad? I read the news last week of David Grega passing and it just seems like something so uncanny. I have now reached the age where my friends and even random colleagues (mostly through my business partner) has people dropping like flies.
  8. shockym


    Anyone heading of to this years con? I figure one of these years I will head out there again but this year I have some personal things to attend to (a house remodel). I think this might be the only con I would visit too, well maybe HOPE but that is stretching it a little. Who's going?
  9. shockym

    pricing - dang!

    I am thinking about switched who we use for domain registrations, right now it almost feels like we are barely breaking even. Are others caught up in the rise with prices, who did you swap over to?
  10. shockym

    Fun requests

    Has anyone here ever gotten a new client who wanted you to help install something on their site either illegal (in a bad way) or just a plain cracked version of something? We had one come in last evening and I looked at the ticket and actually thought to myself if the person was serious or not...
  11. shockym

    Client exec upgrade

    Anyone here upgrade to the newest version yet? I have been testing it out for a few days and I gotta say its pretty nice. So far not even an hangup when I am going in via mobile either on the cell or tablet.
  12. shockym

    Quickoffice & Google

    So far Google is on a serious roll when it comes to breaking out new things to help all users. I can honestly say I have been using Google Local like a madwomen for the past week or so. What about Quickoffice though, thoughts?
  13. shockym

    daily charges

    For those who do not have everything when it comes to billing automated, who is the person that runs all charges each day to make sure recurring charges are being hit? We almost always miss a day here/there when it happens around the holidays and I am thinking maybe we should go the full auto route.
  14. shockym

    buddy's site

    Over the holiday weekend (which I happily enjoyed) a friend had posted on Facebook he and his better half setup a store online. It gives her something to do while adjusting to a new baby and some extra income. I asked him why he did not host with us and his reply was short and sweet, they are...
  15. shockym

    1 thing to remember

    What is the one thing you always tell new people in the hosting world to remember when they open up shop? For me its honestly to get a good nights sleep the night before. I remember the first month we started up, looking back now it seems like it was the month that would never end and everyone...