2 Hosting Websites for Sale!


New member

I currently own 2 Free Hosting websites that I would like to sell. The first one, is a very established and well known free webhost. It started back in August and has been running smooth with almost no downtime at all.

Our service is widely known by many free webhost seekers. Right now we are 2 members away from the 1000 registered members mark in our forums and over 17k posts.

Our profits are made from google ads, adhearus ads and donations. How? Well members support us through google and adhearus regularly, and we've received several donations for upgrades, at a total of $60 last month.

We get around 2000 unique visitors monthly and around 5-10 signups average a week.

What you will get from the sell:
-Server, specs are:
-60gb drive
-1250gb bandwidth monthly
-512mb ram
-Server with Server4Sale.
-A whole 1 and a half month left until you have to send the next payment which will only be $80 monthly.
-All clients

We currently are hosting around 120 clients on our server. All the accounts uses a total of around 8gb of space right now and around 20gb of bandwidth each month.

The Second Website, a Blog Hosting site we just launched a few days ago. The script which we use is customly created just for us, which offers our users an automatic WordPress blog on our server. Not many blog hosts out there right now offers this powerful blog engine.

The script has many features itself, including Admin CP, Forced Ads feature, and a friendly user CP. This script alone worth over $300.

What you will get in the sale:
-All current clients
-The script.

If you are interest in either site, please PM me and I will give you the URL's.

We are looking around $1000 or more for both websites. This is also on ebay.


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