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Does WHMCS cause problems when used with 2CO. Cause I heard you need to make your own products in 2CO use that link, and using WHMCS will not pass fraud test. hmmmm
We're using 2checkout with whmcs and never have any problem. You don't have to make products links in 2checkout separately, all things are already integrated in 2checkout module in whmcs.

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We haven't got any problems with 2CO by now. It is all integrated with WHMCS module, I don't know where you heard that you have to make all separately, becuase it is not correct.
I have never used 2CO with WHMCS, but I know people who have and I have not heard any complaints from them...So I guess it would work out really well... :)
In WHMautopilot, you have to create the products in your 2CO panel and assign your product number when creating your package in WHMautopilot.
We've been using WHMCS with 2CO for the past several months with no issues. Easy set up, works straight away.
How is 2CO when it comes to back charges? I'm thinking about using them as my backup CC merchant, but back in the day they didn't have the best reviews.
2checkout has major issues with charge backs. You must have your own fraud protection. Most orders are just fine.

You will not have to make products at 2checkout.com at all.
We use them and its easy to set-up with WHMCS, just as easy as you can set-up paypal on WHMCS.
I just don't really like them, I don't feel comfortable with them in a sense.
Never got problem so far with 2checkout.com fee are comparable to paypal and payout done one time a week.

WHMCS 2checkout module work pretty well.

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