40GB Space 120GB/mo bandwidth for $45/mo & more!


New member
Starting a new webhosting businesses or expanding?
Need space for backups or a file mirror?

We have a limited number of these accounts available so be quick!

40GB Space
120GB/mo bandwidth

2 dedicated ips for custom nameservers, anonymous ftp, or ssl

Unlimited Domains & subdomains (reselling ok)
Unlimited Email Accounts, Aliases, Forwarders, and Autoresponders
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Unlimited mySQL Databases
PHP/Zend/Perl/CGI Support
Support via AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Email, and pager for afterhours urgent support
Hosted in a Xeon 2.0 at DV2 (99.99% network uptime guarantee)
Legal adult content allowed
PHP 4.3.3
MySQL 4.0.15
Perl 5.8.0
Cron jobs
Spam filters
Password protected directories
Awstats and Webalizer

All for just $45/mo or $495/yr (1 month free)

Test download: http://testh2.hostspace.us/test.tgz

Additional ips are $2/mo
Additional space/bw can be added... prices are entirely negotiable, please contact me for a quote

Another option is:
25GB Space
65GB/mo bandwidth

(rest the same as above)

For $25/mo or $275/yr (one month free)

To signup just send a email to admin@hostspace.us with these details:

Your fullname
Your permanent email address (one that won't be hosted on my servers)
The deal you want (40GB/120GB for either $45/mo or $495/yr (you must pick one...))
The username you want (8 characters or less)
The password you want

Also, state whether you wish to pay via credit card or paypal.

Upon receiving these details you will be sent a email with the details to signup (url to pay...).
Once payment is received your account will be created and a confirmation email sent.

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