4th July Special Security Occasion.


New member

On the occasion of the 4th of July, www.VoidSecurity.com, an european company in partnership with a well-known server dedicated company offers promotion for the services of server management.

We will provide :

* Unlimited work time for cPanel servers.
* Proactive service guarantees constantly updated system packages.
* APF Firewall / CSF on Demand
* cPanel optimization and security
* Temporary Directory hardening [/tmp /dev/shm /var/tmp]
* Shell Fork Bomb/Memory Hog Protection - prevents a user logged into a shell from consuming all the resources on the server
* Implemented RoundCube
* Running both version of php4 and php5.
* PHP accelerator [ eAccelerator/xcache On Demand ]
* Install Logviewer [multiTail view multiple log files simultaneously]
* Apache optimization and hardening
* Mod_security + Custome rulle set
* FTP Hardening - upgrade and secure your ftp software
* Log Analysis Software Installation
* 3rd Party Software Installation
* PerlWrapper A perl wrapper made to prevent execution of perl from certain directories or by certain users.
* Script watching Load on servers.
* Sysctl.conf hardening - helps prevent TCP/IP stack from syn-flood attacks and other network abuses
* CHKRootKit / Rootkit Hunter + Skdet [A tool made by us that was implemented in rookit hunter and chkrookit]
* Proactive service guarantees constantly updated system packages.
* Update to latest OS Release Kernel, or a custom kernel.
* Removal of unused software
* and many more

Our normaly rates are of $30 but until the 10th of July all our services will be of $15 monthly. NO SETUP.

Send us today a email to : sales@voidsecurity.com or olteanu.emi@gmail.com