50% off for life | Pure SSD Hosting | CloudLinux | Litesped |30 Day Money Back


What is Tinkerhost?
TinkerHost Web Hosting was started with a mission to provide premium hosting at half the price without sacrificing features, reliability, and customer support. We wanted to create a web hosting company that was easy to use, reliable, and that everyone could afford, and backed up by great customer service that is available at 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

All our hosting plans come loaded with following features:
- Latest cPanel
- 24/7 Technical Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- Softaculous Auto Installer with 100+ apps
- LiteSpeed Web Server (New)
- CloudLinuxOS (New)
- Pure SSD Drives (New)
- MariaDB (New)
- Cloud Servers (Hardware Based)
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- ...and much more!


10 GB disk space
30 GB bandwidth
1 Website/Domain
unlimited sub domains
unlimited emails
unlimited parked domains
Advanced dns manager
Pure SSD Storage
1 Gbit Connection
FREE site Builder
FREE Domain if Paid Yearly
FREE Migration (cPanel to cPanel)
24/7 Real Technical Support
Daily backups
Dallas, TX Data Center
MariaDB Support

Price: $25/year or $2.97/mo with coupon code "HD502016"

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unlimited GB disk space
unlimited GB bandwidth
unlimited Websites
unlimited sub domains
unlimited emails
unlimited parked domains
Advanced dns manager
Pure SSD Storage
1 Gbit Connection
FREE site Builder
FREE Domain if Paid Yearly
FREE Migration (cPanel to cPanel)
24/7 Real Technical Support
Daily backups
Dallas, TX Data Center
MariaDB Support

Price: $4.97/month with coupon code "HD502016"
OR $50/year with coupon code "HD502016"

Order Now


Coupon is valid only for new Clients

You can order as many new hosting packages as you’d like, there is no limit on how many new hosting orders you can place with this coupon.

This coupon is only valid for these hosting services specified (shared Hosting.)

The promotion cannot be applied to existing services (upgrades, renewals,Clients, etc)*

Unpaid orders will be terminated after 24 hours. Clients cannot order during the promotion period and pay the invoice more than 24 hours after it’s generated to receive service.

We reserve the right to adjust or prevent use of the coupon at our discretion.

Other important links

Main website https://tinkerhost.com/

Blog https://tinkerhost.com/blog/

Client Area https://my.tinkerhost.com/

About TinkerHost https://tinkerhost.com/about/

Our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TinkerHost

Our Twitter https://twitter.com/TinkerHost

Contact Us https://my.tinkerhost.com/submittick...tep=2&deptid=1

From All the Staff at TinkerHost, thank you for your business.