9 out of 10 e-mails now spam


New member

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Criminal gangs using hijacked computers are behind a surge in unwanted e-mails peddling sex, drugs and stock tips.

The number of "spam" messages has tripled since June and now accounts for as many as nine out of 10 e-mails sent worldwide, according to U.S. email security company Postini.


That's just ridiculous. What's even sadder is that there are people that fall victim to these things still. I get alot of spam as well, most of the time its in the same format, but there very hard to track.

Spam Traps are nice but sometimes they get legitimate emails, I had to fight tooth and nail to get gmail.com to stop sending my corporate emails to the Junk Folder. MSN/Hotmail want $995 a year to keep it whitelisted.. I think Bill Gates has enough money so I'm waiting them out. :smash:
The situation with spam is really disastrous, the saddest thing there's no legitimate way to stop this surge.
There is spam everywhere.
Alot of stuff you get through the post is Junk. Or in my case the wrong address. My Cell Phone get's pointless SMS's I didn't request.

The UK are currently having issues with Premium Calls. These people are ringing trying to hold you as long as possible to tell you "Your postcode has been changed please hold" to attempt to charge you.
Well 9 out of 10 emails being spam is no news here. I've always been bombarded with spam.

The really sad thing is, spam is not targeted, thus even children get spam for porn. I know this first hand as every one of my sons have their own email addresses, but I've now had to set them up in such a way that you have to jump through a ton of hoops just to send them email.

The really sad part is that spam must actually work for spammers, as a marketing tool. Otherwise, I would assume that it wouldn't continue. People have to be clicking on the links, and ads in spam, in order for spammers to see spam as a reliable marketing method.

The key is educating people even more than many already are.

In any case, I found that one of the best tools against spam is SpamFighter. Since I have installed it, it has caught 99% of all spam that has come in. It's free, and they are a Microsoft Certified Partner, and it plugs right into Outlook.
The really sad part is that spam must actually work for spammers, as a marketing tool.
It's all probably a result of it being so cheap. Maybe there should be a tax on emails. :p
The AT&T CEO has already suggested that. Charging usage fees for people based on how much they use the internet and where they go.

For some reason junk mail in the post has always seemed more legitimate than spam to me. Spam you just need a seedy enough host, a $50 script and income to buy from people willing to sell e-mail lists.

I get Spam for the stupidest things, I'd say 6 out of 10 spam emails I get is "adult" related, and I don't even visit adult websites.
Tax on emails, hmm... I can hear that comet barging it's way through the atmosphere.
**Mark goes to kidnap and silence Dan, before too many people read his comment, and we're soon paying tax to receive spam.**
"The AT&T CEO has already suggested that. Charging usage fees for people based on how much they use the internet and where they go."

Of course he did, as it would be a big money maker for them.
Ya I agree Spam has been one of the most annoying things I have ever wanted to deal with. I must have 10-15 emails addresses that I use for one thing or another and they all go to my Outlook. So just right there the number of spam emails i get per day is around 400-1000.

It started getting so bad that I had to remove the email-ticket system in my Kayako support desk. I even went one step further and installed SpamBully in my outlook. That program has been a saint as far as filtering out the spam. It also does a great job of keeping good emails out of the junk email. If you are in my same case I really recommend this program.

Lets hope that someday someone will figure out how to cut this spam down. :box:

Yes over a period of time the spam mails has increased. That is the reason why the concept of spoofing address to be added in DNS record has come in to picture. SPF record plays a very important as far as the spam is concerned. Any mails that is sent through our domain is checked by the spamcops and they check if the domain has an SPF record added in their dns record. If it is not there then they would treat the mail as spam and the mail reaches the receipent as spam.

This is a very good concept which helps to keep the track of spam emails.

Thank you.

x9master said:
I must have 10-15 emails addresses that I use for one thing or another and they all go to my Outlook. So just right there the number of spam emails i get per day is around 400-1000.
x9master, a picture is about the same for me. Only instead of 16 email accounts, I brought them down to just 5 (thinking of further narrowing them down to 3).

I have also been getting 1000+ spam emails every day. As far as a anti-spam solutions go, trust me when I say I've tried quite a few: Outlook add-ons, paid solutions, free tools, etc - nothing works well, and community-driven solutions (when you report mail as spam and then someone else reports it - that blocks that mail as spam automatically) - I don't have time on those...

What I did find effective is the 50-dollar a year service from SpamArrest.com. I don't care who send me an email - if they don't take the time to verify themselves in order for me to read their email - then they probably don't want my attention that bad in the first place. So for me it has been working wonders. Maybe 1 or 2 people would get through a day (usually link exchange requests from real people), but its a matter of 2 mins of having their emails blocked.

Well as a host we have found certain ways to block spam but it is difficult. One of the ways was to set up the system to drop all email that did not have a bounce back address, rDNS and install all the spam blocking filters available that are open source. We have noticed just in dropping the emails with no bounce back/ rDNS that spam has dropped around 80%, then the filters we are seeing even less, maybe 90% of the spam was managed to be dropped. Spam has become a extremely bad problem over the last couple years and each and every year it's a little bit harder to block it. The best thing to do is keep the open source spam databases up to date, and try to follow the examples of other companies and people that have managed to slow business and personal spam to near a halt.