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Setup fee

Disk space 997 GB

Web-based domain owner control panel YES

Web-based reseller control panel YES

Bandwidth 997 GB

Domain (URL) hosting 997

MySQL unlimited

Webmail (Web based email client) YES

POP3 E-mail Accounts (can be used with Outlook, Eudora, etc.) unlimited

E-mail Aliases & Autoresponders unlimited

E-mail Forwarding unlimited

Mailman Mailing Lists unlimited

Web based File Editor YES

24 Hour FTP Access YES

FrontPage 2002 YES

anonymous name server (DNS) YES

Detailed Graphical Statistics YES

CGI, Java, JavaScript, Perl, C/C++, Support YES

Pre-installed 'cgiemail' script to process Web Forms YES

Server Side Includes (SSI) YES

Directory Password Protection YES


GD Support for PHP and Perl YES

URL Forwarding YES

apache-ASP YES


Redundant OC-12 connection to Internet YES

Virus Scanning (f-prot) YES

Spam Protection (MAPS) YES

Preview new domains YES

Free Tech Support YES

Access to Raw Logs YES


contact tobias@ntouch.ca
I don't mean to question the way you run your business, but isn't it some serious overselling? 997 GB for $10 is unheard of. At least this is a new record of pricing I've seen in a long time. Where can you possibly get 1GB of transfer for $0.01?
It would be worth the $10 to get it and upload a image of your HDD a couple time then download it. 997 GB space just dosent exist. The only was is overselling (which isnt too bad becuase a server can only has so much diskspace and most costumers dont use all of theres). Do you offer shell access too? would be fun to make a 997GB file and watch the server crumble when the disk is full.
skripx said:
avoiding the no unlimited rule.
Thank you for actually saying that publicly. It proves you are overselling your services.

I think it is my duty to warn all potential customers and advice them NOT to sign up with this service because of numerous scary stories related to "unlimited" and overselling service companies.
You have a couple of dead links on your site so I have some questions. I am thinking about opening an off site support and need some more information.

How long have you been in business?

Where are your servers located? Which datacenter?

Where are you located? Can I call and speak with a human being for some sales questions?

I look forward to your responses :)

Do not contact me, please just reply here.
That's a wow!

I have been hosting with ntouch for the past 6 months, never had an outage not even for few minutes, non of my customers ever complained about not being able to connect to their sites, or to download a file or even a slow connection.
I have dealt with many hosts before, but I kept changing because their support was lousy, if they had any :crazy: . And I had to keep moving until I have settled with ntouch. For a little bit more, I am running my dedicated server, and I can fill it up with what I want, rather than being on a server with gazillions of accounts.

I am using ModernBill for my billing and account automated tasks, and faced a lot of problems moving from cPanel to Plesk, but with the help of ntouch support staff, I have managed to resolve most of the glitches, and I am able to run most of the automated tasks, "minor glitches to be solved soon".

I agree, their site looks a little dodgy :snowman: , and they can do a better job with it, :pin: I can help them with that, they helped me with many things.
But the presence you see, does not necessary reflects the quality of their services or their equipment. As I have mentioned earlier, I have been with many hosts that has a fancy looking site, and you would think they are a multi million client companies listed on Wall Street....
But try calling any of the support numbers they list on their fancy support pages, you will only get a fancy reply from a fancy answering machine :D

Bottom line is: You get what you pay for no more :ziplip:
Give it time regardless of how good their service is that type of bandwidth and space does NOT exist for that type of money I dont care how many phone calls they answer.
khalilio said:
I have been hosting with ntouch for the past 6 months, never had an outage not even for few minutes, non of my customers ever complained about not being able to connect to their sites, or to download a file or even a slow connection.
1. What is your web site hosted with them?
2. What are your customers' web sites hosted with them?
3. You are saying that in 6 months you never had 1 minute of downtime? Does that mean the server you are on is not updated with most recent updates and fixes and has never been restarted?

PS: If you do not wish to reveal your customers' web sites in public, feel free to private message me for check up.

<sigh> not much else to say. Forums, directories, etc. are really becoming overrun with foolish offers, requests, etc.
Sorry didnt mean to take this off topic :-(
Only an idiot would put money into a scam like this...I'm sorry, but thats me being honest!
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