Advertising at only $1.00 firm!


New member
Guys guys! Recently, I just developed the domain . And there are tonnes of advertising slots available at only $1.00! Yes! Only $1.00!

You may have seen similar thing somewhere and so what's so unique about this site? --->> For only $1.00, you get to advertise your link by choosing the word of your choice at the home page.

And unlike other similar sites, you will get to decorate your word by bolding, underlining, enlarging the text size and choose an appropiate color ... all these for only $1.00! No extra charge! No gimmicks!

So what are you waiting for? Get the word you wanted and advertise your links now! Limited words by the way with an option to add your own words!

Thank you!
I'm not sure I see the advantage in this.
What exactly is supposed to be the benifit to the advertiser.
I know it's only a dollar, but at that rate all you end up with is a page saturated with words that end up being meaningless. Am I missing something?