Advertising with WHIR


New member
Hi people

I am looking into advertising with WHIR (website). Does anyone have any experience or advice they can share - especially with regards to me being a UK operator.

Any insight about this or online advertising in general would be much appreciated - please don't mention SEO or Adwords, this is specifically in reference to WHIR and other website advertising.

Can't answer about WHIR, Pete, but don't forget about free listings on web hosting directories. I do get a good number of leads from these each month - no where near what I get from the forums, but they all count. :)
Do the mean TheWHIR. It is a high quality publication and it should boost your website visibility. I do not know how much business would it bring.
Do the mean TheWHIR. It is a high quality publication and it should boost your website visibility. I do not know how much business would it bring.

My choice would also probably would have been the magazine. I believe everyone who gets it actually reviews through every page. It is a bit unusual for this industry to have a print publication to begin with, so a lot of people pay attention.
I would try the online version first - smaller commitment. They have directory listings for a reasonable price, all things considered. Hit up Hilary in their sales dept, she'll take care of you.
Steve, can you share which directories you are using?
And how you define good number? Are you counting visits from those directories?


Can't answer about WHIR, Pete, but don't forget about free listings on web hosting directories. I do get a good number of leads from these each month - no where near what I get from the forums, but they all count. :)
Hi people

I am looking into advertising with WHIR (website). Does anyone have any experience or advice they can share - especially with regards to me being a UK operator.

Any insight about this or online advertising in general would be much appreciated - please don't mention SEO or Adwords, this is specifically in reference to WHIR and other website advertising.


You have to be careful with theWHIR. It is a interesting visitors base with a lot of higher end folks.
It is a bit unusual for this industry to have a print publication to begin with, so a lot of people pay attention.
or PingZone or Search Standard or any of the 28 "mainstream" internet publications on sale in any newsagents in the UK or ...

There is a _LOT_ of print for this industry :)
Steve, can you share which directories you are using?
And how you define good number? Are you counting visits from those directories?


I would love for Steve to share where he does his marketing? While Steve is a nice guy, I doubt he is going to tell us what his special suace is to keeping his job. I'll be over here crossing my fingers hoping that I am wrong and that Steve is a super nice guy. I would love to expand my plan further. :)
or PingZone or Search Standard or any of the 28 "mainstream" internet publications on sale in any newsagents in the UK or ...

There is a _LOT_ of print for this industry :)

I meant the magazine that are fully and only focused on web hosting.
Thanks for the insight and ideas here, people. I think the print side of things is a possibility but wouldn't fit with some of my plans right now. I am more interested in theWHIR on-ine at the moment. But thanks! :)
Pete - there are a lot of directories in this industry. The WHIR is definitely quality, but I was surprised at the low volume, all things considered. I sent you a PM with a few others you might want to try.

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