Advice on Web hosting!


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Since the hosting market has grown very much it is not easy at all for hostseekers to make informed and right decision on shared web hosting. Most of the companies bump the market with fantastic space/bandwidt rates, everybody claims they provide best support and etc.

In situation like this hosting media & directories have more responsibilities. The most important one is to avoid promoting hosting providers that are not able to show a proof of realibility.

However customers may not rely on media judgement. Every directory wants to maximize its profit so it may accept advertising from someone who's not to good in providing hosting services. So my advice to consumers is:

Check for host's establishment
Make your Own Research
Ask for reviews in the forums
Require a Phone Support and even call a provider before sign up
Choose a Company That Offers Reasonable Pricing (Example: 150 GB bandwidth and 5000 MB space for $8/month is not reasonable)
Spend some time to review host's policy

Have a good one
aeromit said:

Since the hosting market has grown very much it is not easy at all for hostseekers to make informed and right decision on shared web hosting. Most of the companies bump the market with fantastic space/bandwidt rates, everybody claims they provide best support and etc.

In situation like this hosting media & directories have more responsibilities. The most important one is to avoid promoting hosting providers that are not able to show a proof of realibility.

However customers may not rely on media judgement. Every directory wants to maximize its profit so it may accept advertising from someone who's not to good in providing hosting services. So my advice to consumers is:

Check for host's establishment
Make your Own Research
Ask for reviews in the forums
Require a Phone Support and even call a provider before sign up
Choose a Company That Offers Reasonable Pricing (Example: 150 GB bandwidth and 5000 MB space for $8/month is not reasonable)
Spend some time to review host's policy

Have a good one
I think you should mention that it is unreasonable for the
(Example: 150 GB bandwidth and 5000 MB space for $8/month is not reasonable)

because it is to much space / bandwidth for 8 dollars not the other way around.
OK, for starters, excellent advice, to finish off, I would like to make a little add-on. NEVER, free or paid, trust unlimited bandwidth/space hosts. Why? Because unlimited bandwidth does not exist, therefore, the host cannot give what it has to offer, THEREFORE, it is HIGHLY likely the host will crash.
I think offering unlimited or unmetered space/bandwidth is just a marketing strategy adopted by various hosts to advertise to customers that they don't need to upgrade or worry about going over any limits. It is highly recommended to read the TOS of the host regarding the unlimited/unmetered space and bandwidth before signing up.

Unlimited space/bandwidth is not possible on a shared account, it is a sign of scam. Beware of the host that offers unlimited bandwidth on a shared account he may not last long.

I would also suggest to go on a free trial which will determine the reliability of the hosting company. Many hosting companies offer 30 days free trial offer or money back guarantee, you should utilize this service to judge their capability. In this way you'll be able to gauge their server speeds, technical aspects, response time and attitude of the staff etc.
Yeah, I totally wish godaddy would have let me try... it would have been nice knowing off the bat that their support was really bad. But oh well, I'm not going to move my site anyways.

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