ahost4me.com for sale


New member
I bought this domain in March 2005 and was going to create a directory and help site for people looking for hosting. I dont have the time, or the skills needed to make it the site I had planned so I'm taking offers for the domain name.

Traffic has increased pretty steadily since March
March unique visitor 48
April unique visitor 72
May unique visitor 179
June unique visitor 9 (as of 9:41AM June 1st)

Domain is registered at registerfly, and is good until 3/8/2006

please send offers to techguymh(at)gmail.com.

This is posted on multiple forums, but I'll keep this post updated with current (if any) offer
This is proboly a little low but ill give you $40 maybe $50 for it. Keep me posted with any other offers.
Whoever buys it can take the entire site (hosting not included) It's on a cpanel server so could be easily transffered to another cpanel server. Or I could create a backup and make it available for download.

All of the scripts used are open source so there are not license to transfer or anything, just the domain name.
$50 is better than the current offer of $40 so yes it is fair. I'm going to take offers until monday. Just let me know if you are for sure offering $50 and I'll update the other couple of sites I have this posted on.
WireNine said:
Does the domain have any PR or ranking of any sort anywhere?

No not currently Google PR 0/10

It's starting to get hits from searches for keyword phrases and single keywords. I'm not an SEO person so no clue really how PR works. It does have a couple of backlinks to it, the highest PR of any of them is PR2
Figured I'd bump this again and add some more description. Sale includes everything but hosting. you get the site, forums, databases etc.

Unique hits for this month so far are 100, I'm sure thats due to it being posted here and a couple other places.

About the directory script
It's an open source directory called Jade, it has
Multiple category support
Use of template pages with themes
Meta-Tag capture from submitted pages
Multi Language support
Ad Management (track ppp sites, adds can be placed in catagories etc)
pages automatically verified
popular site (highest click though)
link back for sites that link back to you
site of the week (can be multiple sites)
Admin best rated
Visitor best rated
suggest cat
add site
import from dmoz
keyword spy to determine what keywords are being used to find the site
Hosting for this account is being cancelled this week, $50 was the last figure tossed out, first person to confirm they want it for $50 can have it.

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