An easy way to improve Page Rank


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To improve your Page Rank you can follow the below suggestion:

1.Include useful high-quality information on your site.
2.Submit your site to various web directories and reference sites.
3.Publicize your site to everyone with whom you communicate.
4.Write a newsletter and send it out.
5.Provide a Rich Site Summary (RSS).
6.Try to link with high-quality websites to your website and also provide motivation for highly ranked websites to link to yours
7.Check out a site before you link back.
8.Keep your website up.
9.Give away content.
10.Search Google for your website.

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Write a newsletter and send it out.
Are you suggesting to mass mail? How this is going to help improve the page rank? Can you elaborate in detail? :rolleyes2
2.Submit your site to various web directories and reference sites.

You've got to be careful with this one, I've seen some actually hurt ranks :(

While I'm no rank/SEO genius, I'd like to think I have a "reasonable" understanding of how it all works, although I haven't yet taken much time to put it to use.. You listed a handful of good suggestions, but here's a thought: Why do you care what your PR is?

If it's simply a ranking of how popular the site/page is than shouldn't you be focusing on actually making your site popular? Do that and your PR will reflect as such.

To be able to say you've got a PR 8 would be nice, but only because of what it implies.. Popularity! The actual number itself doesn't exactly get you anywhere now does it? :)
If the purpose of your website is to increase brand awareness and sales, then being found in the first ten spots of the major search engines should be your real goal. Will having high PR help your SERPS? - Google has alluded that it doesn't.
Having a high or low PR nowadays is not an important issue anyway because PageRank is just only one from among hundreds of cases and items Google evaluates for giving websites some rankings and traffic and so many low PR sites are fond among the top ranking resources over the net.

To improve your Page Rank you can follow the below suggestion:

1.Include useful high-quality information on your site.
2.Submit your site to various web directories and reference sites.
3.Publicize your site to everyone with whom you communicate.
4.Write a newsletter and send it out.
5.Provide a Rich Site Summary (RSS).
6.Try to link with high-quality websites to your website and also provide motivation for highly ranked websites to link to yours
7.Check out a site before you link back.
8.Keep your website up.
9.Give away content.
10.Search Google for your website.

Keep sharing and reading


Some of the points you mentioned are pretty good, except the submission to web directories, giving away content and searching google for your website.

Can you explain on how searching for your website in google helps in increasing the page rank? It has no relation at all.
Submission to any web directory available on the web will lead to submissions in many link farms rather than directories with no link value at all.
Giving away content that you write for your website, will instead result to copyright infringement and copied content leads to lowering of the value of the website.
One of the factors that affect page rank is the number of back links that you are getting. In order to do that, engaging on the techniques such as blog commenting, forum posting, classified ads, press release, online groups, link wheel, social bookmarking and link exchange helps. Just make sure to create quality of links because Google gives more credit on them.
One of the factors that affect page rank is the number of back links that you are getting. In order to do that, engaging on the techniques such as blog commenting, forum posting, classified ads, press release, online groups, link wheel, social bookmarking and link exchange helps. Just make sure to create quality of links because Google gives more credit on them.

Be careful with heavy backlinking strategy. Not all backlinks are considered of same weight of importance.

Actually, I am engaged in somewhat of an email discussion with Dimitar from Daw web hosting blog about this. My overall position on PageRank and backlinks relationship is that a backlink is stronger when it is presented in the form of actual content. For example, if CNet or PCWorld were to post an article and refer to, that would count more than my forum signature on another web hosting forum.

I don't think a forum signature or blog comment does much nowadays, search engines such as Google are way smarter than that.

Btw, because of recent escalation in forum signature spam and blog commenting spam, a lot of forums that are proactively monitored (and blog owners) are using the "nofollow" link strategy.

To improve your Page Rank you can follow the below suggestion:

1.Include useful high-quality information on your site.
2.Submit your site to various web directories and reference sites.
3.Publicize your site to everyone with whom you communicate.
4.Write a newsletter and send it out.
5.Provide a Rich Site Summary (RSS).

I always thought RSS stood for Really Simple Syndication not Rich Site Summary.
Hello guys!

I agreed with the above information and for the page rank back links must be important factor to get because high PR and do follow links are more valuable and get back links from .gov and .org domains because google will more preference for these domains.....

You have to learn all guidelines of Google adwords. You set a budget according to time limit..whether you want to run the campaign for the day only or you want to run the campaign until your budget reaches at end.You can hire third party for smooth running of your campaign and search engine optimization. seo-services-experts web site is one of the company which provides you all web development, promotion, seo, leads etc at very cheap rates...
Only do-follow backlinks from high PR sites can improve your backlinks. I know few site with PR4+ with just 5-10 pages only.

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