Anyone Serious in investing in hosting business?

Why does this "offer" scream SCAM to me?
You guarantee a ten thousand dollar profit even if your business fails.

I you need to solicit 20,000 dollars to begin with to get your business on its feet, how do you propose to pay an investor back if you "fail"?

How is there no risk?
What collateral are you willing to put up?
Michael, I know its not a big deal, but the investment he is looking for is in pounds, not dollars.
And I am also wondering about all the same questions.
Boy oh boy, just as soon as my money arrives from the Nigerian minister I can get in on this deal and make even more money. Isn't the internet grand, everytime you turn around another chance to make bundles of money by simply giving a little bit away.
Sorry, if your not interested don't worry, but there is a legally binding contract to go with this so if i do not pay up then i can be taken to court! If my business fails i will be forced to take out a loan to pay off my debt, however the reason i am putting this offer up is because i have every faith in the business i am setting up and i am working with a great guy who has already had wonderful success with web hosting!
This is NO scam, just a genuine inveestment opportunity that will benefit the investor becasue they will get a £10,000 profit and it will benefit me because i will get £20,000 to invest into the business to kick start it and easily help me get the business running smoothly.
Also i am NOT from Nigeria i am from the UK.
Where you are from is irrelevant.
The contract would be irrelevant. Do you think if you go broke because your business fails that the bank is just going to give you money to pay your debts?
Doesn't make sense.
If this were the case why would you not just go to the bank now for the 20k and you would only have to pay interest instead of the 50%.

This guy who has had "wonderful" success in the webhosting business should be able to provide you with the investment you need, no?
Jamie, I am not sure how old you are, or if your parents are aware of your eBay listing, but I would highly recommend you to alert anyone you can to help you through this business idea. Its great to see young people wanting to start their own business, but there are a few crucial factors involved:

- legal age
- education
- experience

From what I can tell, you are neither of legal age to enter into legally binding agreements; you do not yet have the education needed in to run/operate a business (sorry, I am taking this from your spelling), nor you have any business experience since you have no clue on how to raise money, who to partner with, etc.

Just to help you a little bit, could you please describe in detail what services will you be providing exactly, what the infrastructure of your business will be like, what will be the legal structure of the business, what is your repayment plan and financial forecast? (I assume you DO have a business plan, don't you?)


Typically, I do not like going with the flow of forums and the "older" individuals of the hosting industry; however, Blue and Artashes is right. This "project" that you are undertaken is way over year head.

Think about this, Blue, Artashes, and myself all have built successful businesses. It took several years of research, operations, and marketing to get to the point that we are at.

You project $45,000.00 euros in the first year. Sorry buddy, but the web hosting industry is not supportive of that for new firms. To gain $45,000.00 euros it would take 1,800 clients on a $24.95/month plan. Most individuals enjoy sitting ont he $0.99 - $9.95/month plans.

I am 19 I have been running BHN for going on 15 months now. I have a college degree already and there are some days that I have my accountant and lawyer in the same room with be for hours.

Keep your head up, research more indepth, develop a business plan, and work as a Level 1 or 2 tech for awhile. For the most part, companies will hirer techs in the range of 16 to 24 for Level 1.

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